Sunday, August 29, 2010

Question of the Day

Dilemma time.  I need some opinions. 

When I first started my blog - I had comment moderation turned on.  That quickly became a pain in the ba-hookie.  An email to tell me there was a comment.  Another email to tell me I had published it.  Too many emails.

I turned it off, and for the next year and half or so, all was well. 

Then the spam started to hit.  Random comments from anonymous sources.  More irritating than anything, and some in languages I couldn't even read.  I ignored it for awhile and then started worrying that someone in some other country was leaving me porn that I couldn't read!

So, I turned on word verification.  Seemed to be working out okay for several months, but since I get distracted by word verification on other blogs, I figured the same was happening on mine.  I took a chance, removed the verification and decided to see what happened.

In the last two weeks or so, I have had more spam commenting than ever before.  Nonsense comments.  Foreign language comments.  Comments with links to who knows where and some with words that I am sure I don't want my mother searching.  I realize you can set your comments to NOT accept anon comments, but then what if someone has something insightful to say, but wants to remain nameless? Grrrrr.....

So now what? 
1.  Ignore the spam comments and hope none are too naughty. 

2.  Go back to word verification and hope that it doesn't discourage someone from leaving a meaningful comment.  (admit it- everyone likes comments)

3.  Go to comment moderation and thus feel like I am participating in some sore of censorship.

What to do,  what to do.......

Weigh in, I'm open to suggestions and thoughts


  1. On Friday, Blogger introduced a spam filter for commenting. Have you gotten any in the last couple of days?

    In your settings, you'll notice there is now a comments tab, and it has two sections: Published and Spam. So you can check your spam folder periodically to see if anything got in there that should have been published.

    I took of word verify yesterday to see what happens. So far, no spam.

  2. word verification is a necessary evil, I think. It doesn't discourage me I really have something I want to say.

    I've just installed a comment system called disqus... it's a widget that organizes comments and allows you to manage them. One of the things you can do is blacklist certain comments/comment sources so they can't post again... not sure if every single spam comment is coming from the same place, but maybe this would help? It was easy to install and it seems user friendly... I'm getting ready to post and ask for opinions on whether or not it's a system worth keeping around. Maybe it will work for you too?

  3. IF I really have something I want to say. Left out the word IF.

  4. I have no problem with typing an extra word. I have a problem on my phone seeing it if that is the way i am reading you. But girl, this is your blog! Do what is right for you, we who love you will type the extra word.

  5. OH! And wanted to tell you the husband did his first triathlon yesterday... it was awesome! He's totally hooked, and seriously. I want to do one now too. It looked so fun! I'm saving for a road bike...

  6. Word verification doesn't stop me from leaving comments (can't you tell). Also, I have my blog set (I think I did this right) to where my blog won't come up if someone googles something in particular. I know I don't get very many people that way, but I get enough (you and my family and 1 other friend). And at least I feel a little less available to weirdos without going private.

  7. I have my blog "unlisted" so it doesn't show up when people do Google searches and I hardly ever have any spam. But now that I just said that, I'll probably get a ton.

    I have noticed when I'm in a hurry leaving a comment, I don't always catch that I got the word verification wrong on someone's blog and thus don't realize that my comment didn't actually get posted.

  8. I would encourage either word verification or moderation. Whatever works for you. I say that because if I see a bunch of nonsensical comments I wonder what kind of blog it is, plus some of those could somehow enable malware.

  9. Honestly, I am too much of a newby to the bloggy world to give an intelligent comment. However, for people I like...word verification is not a deterrent.

  10. I prolly need to knock on wood, but I haven't had a problem.

    I would do the WV thing on your blog anytime though. I just HAVE to post a comment on you!
    Not that I usually have anything to say, but I just wanna!

  11. Word verif. doesn't bug me. It's like second nature now. I say leave it on to avoid the sex spammers.

  12. I'm with Tammy. Mine is unlisted too and I have never ONCE had a spammer. And I don't do word verification. But now I know there is sex spammers, maybe I should start listing it??? Choices.

  13. I turned on comment moderation for older posts. That way the spam comments on old posts are something I can just delete.

  14. I have word verification turn on my blog - who knows if it hinders or not. I like to think that I'd have gazillions of comments without it, but I'm sure not :)

    Good luck!


  15. i like comment moderation way more than word verification.
    just whatever you do--don't put music on your site...that by far is much more irritating!

  16. I get spam occassionaly, but I just delete and go on. It is easier to delete than to go through all the other stuff...

  17. Word verification will not stop me if I have something to say!!


    I think it means you've arrived ...

  18. I had the same problem. Took the same route as you. I now have WV, and don't allow anonymous comments. It's the best I can do at the moment.

  19. I agree with Pedaling…music that starts playing the second you get to the blog (and restarts the same song every time you click to another post on the site) is about as irritating as all get out.

    I hate the fact that I have to have the verification, but I will get the strange foreign messages and I have moderation partly because of that occasional person with a diarrhea of the mouth problem or my dad who sometimes comments without thinking.

    Both are necessary evils in my case...


Lay it on me....