Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wrandom Wrambling - Thursday Edition

It's so weird to have a wrandom wrambling post on Thursday instead of Wednesday, but hey, that's the way life is right now.  A little off kilter.  Or a LOT of kilter.  Depends on the hour.

I really need to ramp up my marathon training.  Planning a loooooong run early Saturday morning.  Before anyone gets any ideas about paging me.  Before the sun comes up, while it's cool and the perfect temp.  Just me, my ipod and the sunrise.  I can hardly wait.

It's almost August!  Completely freaking me out!  Where in the crap is time going?  If I thought July was busy, looking at August's calendar - it ain't much better.  That's okay though, I like lot's of things on the docket keeping me busy and motivated.

So a gym bestie found a fun run for us to do.  Check it out -The Dirty Dash
We are going to call ourselves the Dirty Diva's.  Should be fun, fun, FUN!

In a couple of weeks, Splenda and I will be celebrating our 26th wedding anniversary.  I would like to be the one to do something spectacular this year (he ALWAYS makes special days great).  I need your good ideas.....bantering around the idea of the cabin (where we spent our honeymoon), or Snowbird, or Park City......  ideas people. I need them.

I have a lunch date tomorrow.  With Luka.  That makes me happy.

This is NOT our weekend with Sissy.  That makes me UNhappy.

I only have three more days of the pager - that makes me muy happy.  Serio - the pager just isn't fun.  If I was brilliant and knew how to fix every single problem, maybe I wouldn't hate it so bad, but it seems like every time it's my week, all the calls are for stuff I have no idea how to fix.  It's a solid week of getting my self-esteem slammed with the reminders of just how inept I really am.  I would love to retire and just be a grandma.  And maybe a crossing guard when the weather is nice.

I'm totally into this season's So You Think You Can Dance.  Rarely do I get this involved.  It's now down to the final six and I am sweating like a hooker in church over how it's going to end up.  The funniest part?  I don't even vote..... I know right?!

Have I mentioned how much I love my car?  LOVE him.  Get so excited just to DRIVE. 
I'm so weird.


  1. Talk about a marathon... 26 years? Wow! That is awesome!!! I love the name Dirty Divas!!!

  2. Have you ever been sky diving? There is a place in tooele that you can jump tandom (with a professional) for about $180 a person, then if you want a video and pictures it is another $90. I think you and spenda should do that for your annivesary, you survived 26 years of marraige, what is jumping out of a plane...then tell me if you like it.

  3. I love being a full time gramee,
    My babies are here as often as I can get them.

    I just told Ashley 6 I could squeeze her soo hard I love her so much!
    She just said 10:30 was to early to leave the house to see a movie tomorrow.. MY GIRL!

  4. Happy early Anniversary!! That is awesome!!

  5. Okay, don't make fun, but I also watch SyTyCD. Although, it is mostly because I have a huge TV crush on the allstar Lauryn. (The one with the dark brown hair and the bangs that curl.)

    Seriously though, I hope the black dude wins. He seems so nice and polite. One of the gay boys (the one that is out and the one that is not yet out) will probably win though.

    Happy anniversary.

  6. Well my first suggestion would be a cruise. Second would be a B&B with horseback riding and white water rafting. Third would be a concert in Wendover. Happy Anniversary!

  7. OH! I completely spaced Disneyland! W/O KIDS!!

  8. I vote for Hawaii. A bit pricey but go to Molokai Ranches and have an adventure-packed vacay.

    Me? I would just love to lay on the beach and have drinks brought to me.

    My aunt wrapped up a small memento for each year of their marriage. Like a fire extinguisher for the year she accidentally set their couch on fire.

  9. New cars are sure a lot of fun, aren't they? Drive away… drive away.

  10. I can totally see you as a crossing guard.

    Please do not go to The Anniversary Inn for your anniversary. For some reason their rooms make me gag.


Lay it on me....