Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Pretty simple today.  I am thankful that the Mormon Pioneers crossed the plains into the Salt Lake Valley and that someone saw fit to make it a celebration and state holiday.

That means a day off tomorrow.  Parade, family, parties, and fireworks on Saturday.  Prolly some great Pioneer lessons at church on Sunday with great hymns to sing and remember and be grateful.

Did I mention that it's a state holiday and that today is actually my Friday?
Yeah - I bet YOU wished you lived in Utah just for the extra holiday.  NGL - it's pretty sweet and I'm pretty thankful.


  1. Dang I wish I lived in Utah. I need a Friday.

    Have a blast!

  2. I love pioneer day...(although Lance's company is international and they couldn't care less about our little state holiday). Me and Z get to ride a float in a pioneer day parade and I'm stoked!

  3. I could use an extra holiday!

  4. I don't think it's fair that AZ doesn't celebrate this holiday. We had pioneers here. We have cities named Lehi & Heber. Oh wait...I have the day off anyway. Carry on.

  5. Luck-EEEEEEE I think we should have a Pioneer Day in Idaho too - Crap the stinkin' Oregon Trail comes right through here!
    I too am sincerely grateful for the Mormon pioneers. For their sacrifices, struggles and examples of great faith!

  6. Wow...really?? I am putting in a transfer to Utah!!! :))

    See you tomorrow for the Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

  7. I WAS going to say, "Dang it, I wish I lived in Utah" and then I opened up the comments and dang it, the Garden of Egan beat me to it 1st thing. We must think alike.

    I wish I was at least visiting Utah.

    Have fun. Me and the Primary children in my ward will be singing for the Pioneers on Sunday.

    (Does it count that I'm 5th generation South Carolina Mormon? I figure that's saying alot for down here. Therefore, I think I'll just throw my own parade.)

  8. Hm, I thought that Monday was everyone's day off??? I lose track of time when I am doing nothing all summer.

  9. state holiday, worth the shout out!


  10. Have a great weekend!! Happy Pioneer day. AZ does nothing unless your ward decides to recognize it. Maybe I should tell my kids it's Pioneer Day and I am on vacation?

  11. Gosh dang it!!!! I miss Utah!!!!!


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