Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Spiritual Edition

Easy friends, gonna head down an emotional and spiritual path.  Prolly will lose a reader or two but hey, them's the breaks.

I have made it no secret that I am a active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Some know us as Mormons.  I've explained some things over the course of different blog posts and you can always click on the link I provide if you want more information.

We are unique in our church is that we have no paid clergy.  Each position is filled with a volunteer whom is called and set apart with a special blessing from God to be able to complete their responsibilities in the church.  Callings rotate based on whom the Lord needs at what time and in what capacity.  We don't seek for callings, we don't petition nor campaign for them.

We also worship in our holiest of all places the Temple.  We have over 50 temples all over the world.  The temple is a place where worthy members can obtain special blessings and ordinances and make covenants with God that we believe are pertinent to progressing in the life after.

Just two nights ago, I was called in to meet with a member of the Jordan River Temple Presidency.  Seems I was recommended to them as one who could fulfill a calling by serving in the temple as an ordinance worker.

It was an amazing and incredible experience, one that is too special to share publicly, but I have never felt God's love for me more than at any other time in my life.  Me.  As His daughter.  Not someones wife, or mother.  But as a daughter of God.

I accepted the calling and many things were explained to me pertaining to the importance and reverence with which I should approach this new line of service.  I am able to keep my same calling in my ward with my YW - this is in addition to it.  It will require some flexibility with my employer and I am praying that it will work out, but in my heart I feel like it will.  I was "set apart" (given a special priesthood blessing) that among other sacred blessings, promised me success if I worked hard.

As I have pondered on it the past couple of days, deciding whether I record this in my public blog or not, I keep having the thoughts and reminders of how much my Heavenly Father loves me.  He isn't looking for perfect people to serve him in special callings.  He just needs and wants simple people who love Him, love His gospel and love other people.  I am that.  I am not the most reverent, spiritual person ever, and when I encounter other workers in the temple, I always have thought that I could never be like them until I was really old and really matured.  And yet again, the thought comes back, that the Lord knows EXACTLY who I am and still sees me fit to serve in this manner.  Right now.  Irreverent, mouthy warts and all.  To me, that is the supreme act of confidence and love.  I couldn't ask for more from my Father in Heaven.  He trusts me.  In spite of my faults, shortcomings, and other lacking areas, He trusts me.  He loves me.

I am SO thankful for that knowledge.  I am thankful for the blessing and opportunity that lies ahead for me to serve in this new capacity.  I am thankful for the faith that my God has in me to do His work.  I am humbled.

And I share these feelings because there is always someone else out there that struggles with feelings of inadequacy.  No matter what religion you may belong to - or no formal religion at all.  We sometimes feel like we don't have much to offer.  Little of value that anyone else would want.  I am here to tell you otherwise.  I don't care what church, mosque, or even front room that you worship in.  God loves you.  He loves you more than you will ever love yourself.  He knows you.  He knows your faults, but he also knows what you are capable of.  If you will love Him back, serve Him and find ways to serve others, the confidence you need will come.  Self esteem will rise.  You will find yourself capable and doing much more than you ever thought you could.  This I know.  I hope you know it to.

Yep - pretty thankful this Thursday. 



  1. I LOVE this post! I'm glad that you shared it on your blog...and I think I stole your thankful Thursday idea, because I love that too!

    So excited for you, that sounds like an incredible calling!

  2. You'll be amazing!! It's perfect!

  3. That is sooooo neat!
    I know you will be the tannest ordinance worker!
    Seriously, this will be an amazing experience!

  4. That is totally awesome. How humbling.

  5. I'm glad you shared this on here too. I'm sure it will be an amazing experience for you. I have a special place in my heart for the Jordan River Temple. It was built when I was in young woman's (see, I am old) and I worked there during the open house, and it was also the first temple dedication I went to.

  6. I love this post. What a great reminder that God knows us, believes in us, loves us and trusts in our abilities.

  7. This is going to be wonderful! I can feel it. Like others have said--So glad you shared this post with us.

  8. Wow. I feel honored just to have read this. Thank you very much for sharing.

  9. hugs and heart thumps! I am so thankful for you too!

  10. I would LOVE to go to the Temple and see you there as a worker! I love the "temple" workers they are like little Angels and make your time at the Temple so special.Congrats on this special calling!

  11. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

  12. Wonderful post! I'm so happy for you, and I'm so happy you shared this. You'll do a great job. Guess what? I sold lemonade when I was a kid to earn money when they were building the Jordan River Temple so a good 3 dollars worth of that temple is from me.

  13. Nothing like that sweet peaceful feeling the Temple brings. What an amazing blessing.Thank you for your testimony! With out the temple and the blessing provided there, my kids would not have an eternal family.

  14. What a blessed person you are! How neat.

  15. Awesome! I guess you ARE older and more mature now!

  16. What a great experience that will be for you!

    And if you are there on Saturday mornings, say hi to my FIL.


Lay it on me....