Saturday, February 27, 2010

You know it's a great weekend when....

At the post office, Sissy is attempting to run around like a banshee, so you carry her, wrestling the package you have to mail and hoping you aren't irritating everyone around you.  She spies the gentleman in front of us wearing a Yankees coat, points to the logo and loudly proclaims "GO YANKEES".  He turns smiling, you explain your indoctrination, and then said gentleman begins minor chit chat with gentleman behind you chiming in.  Wrestle with Sissy and package continue, NY gentleman allows you to go ahead of him.  As you walk in front of him and EVERYONE else in line to the USPS employee, Sissy starts pounding on your boobs yelling, "BOOBIES....BOOBIES.......BOOBIES  MIMI - 'DIS IS YOUR BOOBIES".  You scramble to get your card swiped and walk out of the post office with your head hung in embarrassment.  (Boobs still sitting pretty though in their new VS bra)

At the store with Sissy, you get distracted and by the time you get to the check out, this has happened. She's grabbed a lipstick from the shelf and prettied herself up.  It's not even your kind of color, so you pay for it and then ask them to just throw it away.

You let her pick out her special good girl panties........and she chooses boy ones. No princess, hello kitty, dora - nope! What to do with those pockets up front?

She then proceeds to pee in three of them over the course of the next couple of hours. So sorry Poppa - you got the brunt of it.

But then she has success and gets her emmy-m's (M&M's)

You go get a pedicure with a bestie before she leaves for YOUR favorite place on earth (Cancun).

But you don't feel bad because you are going there in a week yourself.

You do a kick a** workout with your kick a** trainer.  You are literally jello as you wobble your way out of the gym, but smiling like a cheshire cat 'cause your BACK!

You take Sissy to Thanksgiving Point and the museum.  She plays in a cave, in the sand, with dinosaurs in the mud, and a 3D movie.  BTW - movie was kinda lame.  The "brought to you by Al Gore" kind.

You then stop for dinner at Texas Roadhouse where Sissy is perfectly behaved and busting through the peanuts like a champ.

You get a page (being on call) and they have assigned it to the wrong team.  You can dismiss and continue with your fun!

You get to check out your BFF SIL's new ride.  Her dream car.  Her new baby.  Sure you're a TICH bit envious, but you couldn't be any happier for her

You celebrate your brother's birthday knowing that he will ALWAYS be older than you.  ALWAYS!

You get to share your piece of birthday cake (no frosting; lot's of walnuts) with two adorable little girls

And that my friends, is how you know you have had a great weekend!


  1. I knew this trip was coming!

    and Cissy's bangs are growing back beautifully!

    I think she might be my kid though after I saw her underwear selection!

    what a card!

  2. I think Sissy & Sarah would be great friends--not a great experience for whoever was in charge of them, but great friends nonetheless. Next time you two head to the Dino Museum, give me a call, maybe we'll tag along!

  3. Wow you had a exciting time with Sissy and I know you loved every minute of it. My granddaughter will be 9 in May and she still where's boys boxers to sleep in.HAHA


  4. So THAT's how you know.

    Love the color on the camaro. We almost went with that. Is it an SS?

    I need a pedi.
    And cake.

  5. Sounds like a weekend FILLED with F.U.N.

  6. Yep, sounds like a great weekend for sure!

    That Sissy just cracks me up. You can't leave her alone for a minute. Too funny!

    It's almost Spring and time for!

  7. Wow - I am exhausted just reading that. Your toes look great!!

  8. You know how to have a great weekend! What I love most is that you have a very big and happy smile in every picture!!!!

    Sissy is Adorable - the lipstick...what a crack up!

  9. mmmm, mmmm, mmmm

    here's to great weekends!

  10. Still cracking up about your granddaughter in the post office. I love it.

    Glad you had such a wonderful weekend!

  11. The countdown continues. I giggled with the lipstick but LAUGHED right out loud with the undies. I love the car and want my toes done too. I read this whole post yesterday and was sidetracked to comment. You really know how to do it up big with her, and you wonder why you are tired the next day?

  12. LOVE it!

    and I've had that same "boobies" scene happen to me just gotta smile and exit quickly...

  13. I like how you rock and roll!!

    I'm gettin a pedi tomorrow...

  14. Look at those cute toes - and love all the photos of Sissy in the sandbox - delight!


  15. That pedicure was pretty rad ;)


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