Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas at Temple Square - lazy girl style

It's just so cold. SO COLD! And the idea of walking around oohing and aaahing over the lights, bumping into people, having my ankles nailed over and over AND OVER AGAIN by strollers behind me was just too much. Sure, it's tradition. Sure, it's a wonderful way to get the Christmas Spirit going. But I'm just not interested in any of that this year. For reals. None of it.

So when Tuffy mentioned he, his GF and a group of others were going, I sent my camera and told him to make me enjoy the experience.

This is Santa playing the bagpipes

Very beautiful, but I am disappointed that there are no pictures of the boy and his friends, even though I SPECIFICALLY asked for them. Whatever. At least now, I don't have to make the cold trip myself.

Thanks Tuffy!


  1. handing the camera over....
    that works.
    he did get some super nice shots, even though they weren't of his gang.
    don't ya just love the sound of bagpipes?!

  2. I want to do this this year. I'm just achin' to start some fun family traditions. But I *completely* understand you handing the camera over. Smart woman.

  3. I miss seeing the lights at Temple Square. It's just not the same to see palm trees all lit up, even though it may be more authentic to portray Christ's birth in our desert weather. But I don't miss the cold. Wanting to hurry up and get it over with and get back in the car. So thanks to Tuffy for providing me with pics as well.

  4. You are too funny. I love this story! lol

  5. So glad that Tuffy came through for you. What a good boy.

  6. ha! I love that he took pics for you!! looks TOO cold!

  7. You know what? I love that idea!


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