Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tickle me Pink Tuesday - NOT!

Nope. I got NUTHIN. I am trapped into a vortex of hell in a work project that is sucking the very life out of me. You heard me. THE.VERY.LIFE!

Blog posting will be at a minimum. Reading all my fun friends witty, and hilarious posts will be scarce. Commenting will be close to non-existent.

And you know what really bites? I just picked up two followers! Not that my self-esteem rests on that or anything, but yeah, I'll prolly lose about 50 now.

So, hang in there 'wit me and let's ride this ugliness out together. I promise, I'll be back to full blog mode as soon as possible. I hope to find some funny somwhere along the way too, making it worth your while.





  1. I'll be waiting intensely for you to return to your blog to keep me entertained.... Just realized that I don't think I've technically been following you, so I'll do that just to knock it up to an even 3.

  2. You would never lose me. I am in it for the long haul.

  3. It would be harder than that to get rid of me...lol!

  4. I'll be here. I may get fired but I will be here for you

  5. stuck to you like glue. don't worry about it. i'll be busy writing the world's next trendiest (trendyest? is this even a word) novel.

    peace to you too!!

  6. Aw, you poor thing! But it does make me feel better than you'll be slowing down on posting cause I am SUPER behind on reading blogs and I currently have 326 to read! Yours are at least 14 right now, so hang in there while I try to catch up!

  7. Hope your week gets better!

    I won't even hold it against you that you are not a Twilight lover - hee hee.

    You kind of grow on people M-Cat - You won't be losing followers this easily!

  8. Those breaks are hard to have sometimes...

    Life does interfere doesn't it?

    I've been goin thru the same thing.

    I'm so freakin busy---but here I am..so what if I have to get up at 4:30 to find time.

    breathe...just breathe

  9. Sox is sucky! That's right. I said it. It's poopy, poopy, poopy!!!!!

  10. faithful followers will still be here when you get back.

  11. ...sorry...not gonna leave...I'll still be here when you get back to blog-mode.

  12. Don't worry - we ALL go thru it!
    I'll hang around . . .

  13. I've beeen meaning to come over and say Hello. I've been a horrible, horrible blog friend as of late.
    Sorry things suck for you right now.
    We still need to get together and have a day off from the crap.

    Love you!


Lay it on me....