Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm so excited and thankful that I am literally vibrating.......

Today. This morning. We finally got Elder L's FLIGHT ITINERARY!!!!! YAY! He will arrive in SLC on January 1, 2010. I am so thankful for that little email that completely made my day. My week. My month!

I am thankful for herI had to go to St George this week for training. Thankfully, I was able to cut a couple of the classes and make it a quick trip. However, with the loopyrica that I take, driving that distance was a little unsettling. My BFF SIL arranged her schedule to come along and be the Hoke to my Miss Daisy. I couldn't have done this work trip without her. Not only her driving and her extra pair of hands that helped me get around, but her wit, sarcasm, humor and listening ear. I love her!

Thankful for birthday traditions. Our BFF's across the street, with whom our children have grown up with, have taken our Tuffy to Panda Express for dinner for his birthday for, oh, I don't even know how many years now. Sometimes it takes awhile to get us all together what with crazy schedules and all, but tonight was exactly what I needed to come home to.
(and E? Consider this pic your own personal shout out! Love ya)

Did you happen to notice my new blog header? Yeah that one at the top of the page? That comes to you courtesy of one talented Shark. I am thankful that she will do all my creative graphic thingies, and I can just sit back and enjoy them. No......I'm not taking advantage of her. Shush yourself. She is one talented shark eh? I am thankful she takes care of me like that!

And finally, I am thankful for home. I don't mind travel, but this time was particularly hard for me physically. NGL - I hurt by the end of each day. To come home today and lay down on my own bed, surrounded by my dogs and my Splenda, was pure bliss. At home, I have my friends, my routine, my niche. It's like slipping into a pair of snug warm slippers.

So, what are you thankful for today?


  1. I am SO DANG EXCITED for you!!
    That is the best news a missionary mom can have!! Whoo hoo it's going to be a Happy New Year at your house!!

    I'm thankful for my nice, warm bed which I am going to go crawl into right now :D Good night!

    P.S. Ummmm just finished your plate it will be in the mail tomorrow - Friday is like Monday to me sometimes - what can I say....:D

  2. Okay seriously, you went to dinner without us? How dare you!!! I want a re-do when we come home in November okay??
    Your blog is hilarious!! I can't believe your missionary is already coming home. Time flies!!
    Tell everyone hello from AZ!!

  3. YAY!!!!!!!!!! It'll be like a second Christmas.

    Nothing like coming home and sleeping in your own bed. Which I should be doing now, but for some reason I'm awake at 3:00 a.m. Fun.times.

  4. I am thankful you are home. And that you had a chaperone. And that the Elder is coming home so soon. And that you are home.

  5. How great to get the day for his return! I am excited for you!

    I am thankful for sweet tea...yum! LOL

  6. What an exciting way to celebrate the new year!!!

    Did you guys have that awesome soundtrack from Driving Miss Daisy as you drove down there? Glad you sil is such a good friend.

    But where is the porn from The Panda? Hmmm...

  7. what a great way to start the new year. :)

  8. What a great way to start off the New Year! So happy for you! Glad you had a great time in St.George, and glad you are back safe and sound!

  9. How exciting! Best new year's present EVER!

  10. I can't believe he's almost home!

    Love the new header.

  11. well, it's friday but yesterday i was thankful for your posts becuase they are always a bright spot in my day!

    happy friday to you!

  12. Cool about your missionary...mine has less than 4 months to go - release date is Feb 8. But of course that can change because the itinerary has not been set yet. Did you get something called "Trunky Papers" that you had to look over and sign? Just basic info, but why do they call it that? I hope the Elders don't see it, cuz if they weren't already trunky, it might get 'em that way!

  13. Yeah for Jan. 2010! How excited you must be!

    ....AND i ♥ the new header! Awesome!

  14. Super happy for you with the good news. And love the pic of you!

  15. What a nice Hoke to drive you around like that. Nedra told us you came over to visit. I didn't even realize you had been having leg and feet issues. I need to be a better blog reader. Dang - I hope you get feeling better. Yay for Luke coming home soon. How exciting!!!

  16. I wanted to see some Panda Porn, too! Yay for elders coming home, sharks, and BFFs!!

    And yay for you being so freaking cute. And yay for the Yankees winning last night (Saturday) and for them waiting til I drove home from work and walked in the door just to see them win. Finally.

    I'm thankful for pink eye med.


Lay it on me....