Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Red Robin - good food and so.much.more - Nancy you ROCK!

For our little soiree luncheon today, we went to the Red Robin in the District.
Shark has already touted it's glories so I knew we wouldn't be disappointed.

I was especially excited to know that I could get all the nutritional information (translate - calorie counts) on line. I HATE restaurants that won't do that, but that's a post for another day.

So there we are at the Red Robin, having our delightful Red Robin food, when our server spills my ranch dressing down the front of herself. I made a joke that it was better on her than me since I was in game uniform. She quickly pointed out another server and called her over.

Seems Nancy is a bit of a die hard Yankees fan too. Maybe.....MAYBE more than me? I'm not sure. It's a close one. But when I heard she had a tat? I begged for a picture. (I have no shame, remember?)

Thus I present to you, the most awesome, best taste in baseball, Red Robin server EVAH....... Nancy!

(what is that look on my face?)

She told me she is getting another one across her shoulders in a month or two. Oh yes, Nancy, I will be back!!


  1. she was quite the fan. Her ink stole the show!

  2. I am almost positive you told her you wouldn't put the face shots on your blog...

  3. Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't know this was the "People of WalMart" website.

  4. That's gonna get awfully stretched out if she ever gets pregnant.

  5. Interesting...I have never been to Red Robin.

  6. not sure where to go with this comment...that is umm...I'm glad you had a great lunch...and I'm still laughing at Vanessa's comment...and Tib's....

  7. I second the 3 cheers for Red Robin. I loves me their fries. However I am not a Yankees fan. And, I wont tell you what team is MY team because you will mock. And we all know that I turn mockers into goats.

  8. Hahaha, you crack me up, Woman!

  9. Its the Red Robin Yankee fan...The newest addition for the ink is going to have to wait til after the holidays..however I do have a new addition to the living room wall....a DEREK JETER fathead!!!

  10. Nancy,
    I LOVE it!

    Stay tuned, my Christmas present is going to ROCK the freaking house and pictures WILL be posted. You might be a tich jealous!! : )

    BTW - I need to come back for my Red Robin fix!

  11. Good Article


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