Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tickle Me Pink Tuesday

I have "met" some pretty fun and pretty amazing people via this whole bloggy thing-a-ma-jig. Really. Come waaaaayyyyyy cool people!

There's also these things called blog awards and I'm always THRILLED when someone picks me to bestow an award to. It's like NOT being picked last for the team in grade school. But since I promised my therapist I wouldn't dwell on THAT anymore, 'nuff said.

I found this uber cool blogger - JennyMac at Let's Have a Cocktail and quite frankly, she is hysterical. I laugh at her writing and I picture her as a very sophisticated, educated professional who amuses everyone around her with her smart talk and sassy lip.

She is one of the "cool kids" and she gave me an award

I kinda feel like I got asked to sit at the popular table in the lunchroom!

Thanks JennyMac!

Now, if you haven't read her, get over there NOW!


  1. JennyMac is what I want to be when I can write

  2. JennyMac is cool. So are you. Lucky duck. Nice award!

  3. haven't read her, going over now!

    your so00 cool!

  4. You are so awesome...thank you for your great comments and congrats on your well deserved award. :)

  5. Hi. That was me above from my personal email account. Can you tell I am getting a lot of WORK done? LOL.

  6. JeenyMac is very cool!! COngrats on the award!

  7. this award seems so risque......oh la la.


  8. Yay! nice little pick-me-up for you!??
    You deserve it, you do have a fun blog!

  9. I just started reading her. Because you told me to :)

  10. Congrats!! I'll head over there and check her out ...


Lay it on me....