Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GNO - Pistol Packing Momma's

Thanks Shark for taking my gun shooting purity. It was a pleasure. I look forward to shooting guns with you again. Sans crutches.
And yes. You can see that out of six rounds, I actually hit the target 3 times. Not bad for my first time.

Now to get my application out the door and start heat shopping!


  1. Oh good. You found the worst picture ever taken of me.

    I was wondering where that went...

  2. I'm afeared for my life right now.

    Can you come over and guard me until Bill the handyman can get my door lock repaired?

  3. You two make the gun range look fun. Love the Charlies Angels pose M-cat.

  4. blogs are for posting funny pictures of your friends.....

    i need to go target shooting, sometime.

  5. Whoa, girl! Nice job. Three hits to a little target; you could totally nail the bad guy.

    (Tiburon's comment cracked me up!)

  6. That's so much fun! I should have my hubby take me sometime. He has an arsenal...
    And we have a outdoor shooting range down the road (about a mile from us - we're rural) where the cops go, and we hear them practicing pretty often, especially in the summer. And I am glad you found something you can do on your crutches!

  7. That's so much fun! I should have my hubby take me sometime. He has an arsenal...
    And we have a outdoor shooting range down the road (about a mile from us - we're rural) where the cops go, and we hear them practicing pretty often, especially in the summer. And I am glad you found something you can do on your crutches!

  8. I laughed out loud and tibs response. She looks cute!

    My pops started me on guns at the ripe age of 7. YES SEVEN. I have pictures to document. By the age of 20 I was competing in handgun target shooting. I enjoyed it. Haven't done it for a long time though...

  9. You --with a GUN ---and crutches. THAT SPELLS DANGER!!

  10. Lady you are rocking those crutches. Oh and both you and the Shark rock the safety glasses and ear protectors (because I don't know what they are really called.)

    Nice shots!

  11. i'm a tiny bit afraid right now ;)

  12. I think I'm just going to buy some of those sweet glasses to wear around for fun. They are awesome.

  13. Tib made me laugh! You both look cute! just don't let that hand gun permit expire while you are in NYC visiting me...and we roll to the club...I don't want you accidently shooting your self in the leg...NYC dosen't play. lol!


Lay it on me....