Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dedicated to one I love - Kado

Kado over at Our Life in Perfect Cadance has completely out done herself. For.Reals.

I got a little slip of paper in my mailbox saying that a package was waiting for me to pick up. I grabbed Tuffy (he's my arms) and we headed over to see what the grand prize was! I admit, I prolly drove really, really fast cause I was so excited!

Tuffy carried the HUGE box out to the car and then used the keys to rip the tape and open it up.


It was like Mary Poppins carpet bag and things just kept coming out, and coming out, and just when I thought it was done, something else appeared!

And not just prizes for me, but something for her bestest cousin ever. Martie.

A little something for Ethan, which is so timely considering he is extremely sick right now at up at PCMC for a couple of days. The Shark was so appreciative when I passed it along last night.

And for me? I just can't even tell you how excited everything in the box made me.

Skittles for my sort-n-soothe issues. Desperately needed right now what with being all laid up and crapand yes those are darling Halloween ziplock baggies! So darn cute!

More treats that I can share with Tuffy so he'll leave my Skittles alone. Including specialty pickles from her local farmers market

An uber-cool water bottle

A newspaper edition full of nothing but this beautiful specimen of a human being, fantastic baseball player, and a generally good human being

Something for Sissy

And the ultimate? The GRAND prize?


Yes a Retro Yankees hat. This is the same style worn in 1903/1904 back when they were called the Highlanders. I FREAKIN LOVE IT!!!!! It's gonna be a great addition to my collection and display in the yet to come Yankees room.

Well Splenda and I had fun playing around, and those pickles? Seriously, the pickles we have EVER TASTED!!! They are spicy hot and absolute perfection! I can't wait to put them in a spicy brat dog with onions, ketchup and mustard. I think I want a whole meal designed around these bad boys

Kado, I freakin LOVE you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!


  1. What a great the Yankees hat.

  2. That Kado is a doll! I heart her to the moon and back.

    What a fun, fun package, especially since it contained something for me, too. :)

  3. Some people are so damn lucky.

    And I am loving the girlfriend sign too.

  4. Yum, those pickles look delicious!

  5. Hey, you want to pass along my address to Kado?

  6. Whoa, that is one awesome box 'o goodies! Feel free to forward my address to her!

  7. oh...I'm so glad it got there and in one piece! I've been a nervous wreck...I though for sure I was gonna get an e-mail saying that the pickle jar broke and exploded inside the entire box...that would have made me really sad! BUT YEAH! it got there...perfectly...and you all loved it! Glad you love the hat too...I was so happy when I found it! I bought one for Q too!!!

    M-Cats birthday....Check!

    Love you right back! now pack Martha up and you two get out here for a visit!!!!

  8. WOW! so it pays to be YOU! hahaha, I'm sure you deserved every last item and more.

  9. Those kind of treasures are great. Especially when laid up. And sorry about your circulation problems. Stinks! My muscle is feeling much better, just feels like a sore muscle instead of a pulled one, but the I went out wearing flip-flops and kicked a step-stone with my big toe and tore the crap out of it! Now I can't wear a shoe, still...

  10. Geez, and all you had to do to get all this stuff was break your hip? Sign me up!

  11. She really is the best. I think she might be the most thoughtful person on the planet.

    Cause we all know it isn't me ;)


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