Sunday, July 12, 2009

I'm not worthy.....I'm not worthy..... !!!!

Friday night was girls night. At least for this girl.
I picked up Martie who had a surprise for me!! MOI?! YAY!! Prizey's.
I helped her out last week with the pager (no biggie by the way), and she thanked me with this:A HUGE bag of Skittles. She knows all too well, that when I am stressed, I can calm myself down with the process of sorting the skittles and snacking on them. I practically chant "sort-n-soothe; sort-n-soothe...." There IS something calming to me about grabbing a handful, laying them out on a napkin, sorting and eating by color. Don't judge me. It soothes me. Whatev.

So darling Martie knows that I have the pager come 8:00am Monday morning for the next week and will likely NEED the calming process. Thanks Martie - I love you!!

So after hugs for the prize, we sped off in Sugar Daddy's pony downtown to the Skybox where we met up with some A-MAZE-ING women. Seems that DeNae was in town and a few gals gathered for a quick dinner.

When Motherboard introduced herself, I felt like I might have won the lottery. I quickly averted my eyes and chanted "I'm not worthy..." (picture Wayne and Garth).I only wish I hadn't drunk so much that I could remember everyone's names! Water with lemon has that affect on me. I KNOW!!! I suck! I can't remember names to save my life.
Thank heavens DeNae came to my rescue!

We had Martha...Val...Christie...Wendy.....Amber.....Kim......Motherboard....Sarah... Sher... DaNae and Corinne.

Here we are having a great time!

We had to keep the door shut and close Corinne's ears most of the night.
Who knew that a room full of virtual friends could be so open and candid with one another IRL?

Good women they are. Every last one of them. I could have stayed and chatted all night long if I didn't have to get up so frickin early the next morning!

Thanks for the invite girls, it was a B.L.A.S.T and I can't wait to do it again!!
P.S. - Amber, gurl, LOVE YA!


  1. You know I am totally expecting a partay in my honor when I come to town now.

  2. And you, my friend, will have it! You just can't sneak in and not tell anybody this time! : )

  3. I have to say, I am SOOOOO jealous I missed this one. Amber is probably the funniest woman alive, and I've heard DeNae is just as funny. Throw everyone else in, who are just as hilarious, and I would probably pee my pants!

  4. You are so deserving. Yes you are Melissa. How fun for all involved.

  5. Melissa, you were bar none my daughter's favorite dining companion that night! It really was such a great time!

    Missing names: Going to the right around the table and starting with you, there was Martie, Val (of the South), Christy (my former student), Wendy (No Botox Allowed), Amber, our sister Kim, Motherboard, Sarah, Sherrie Shepherd, me, and my daugther Corinne.

    Hope you survived the run!

  6. I've have NEVER had so much fun! Our poor server was probably so sick of us by the end of the night.

  7. how fun! that is one great group of ladies.

  8. NGL - one hilarious evening!!! Totally enjoyed myself. My stomach muscles hurt from laughing so much that night. Good times!

  9. That night was the best blogger get together I have ever been too! I think I strained a muscle in my face.

  10. K. I've now read all about this night on way too many blogs and now I'm really jealous. I might just have to go and buy a bag of skittles to sooth myself! 'Cause, yeah, I do it too--only I can only eat the red and the purple--yet one more neurotic behavior to add to the list!


Lay it on me....