Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Todays Top 10.....

Today's installment:
Top 10 reasons why Sissy is the ultimate BFF......

10. She LOVES french fries. I no longer have to force myself to eat them. I don't have to sacrifice and fight through the gag reflex to get them down. She takes care of them for me. I'll never have to let one of those hot, salty, potato wonders pass my lips ever again.

9. She is a cuddler when she sleeps. Must.be.touching.at.all.times.

8. She loves shoes. Has multiple pairs and loves to put them on herself, as well as any others that might belong to someone else. The girl loves shoes. I see many a shoe shopping adventure coming our way. We totally get that from Grandma Grape. Sissy is a 4th generation shoemonger.

7. She understand the right of way but yet knows when to have a good time. She understand the rules of the road. Stay to the right. No back and forth dancing as you pass by someone. Follow the "stay to the right" rule. Love me some rules. Love me some rule followers. And yet at the same time, I do love a good daredevil and she is just the ticket. Sure, we might be doing things THE WRONG WAY, but I can overlook it for fun's sake.

6. She knows when to use her inside voice and her outside voice. When asking for another turn jumping, she is sure to ask nicely and demurely. When needing a binky, she understands that shouting BINKY! is what is necessary. I'm glad I don't have to explain that to her. As well as using her best reverent voice in church.

4. Speaking of church, she remembers to thank each deacon as the bread and water trays come down our row. Nothing like watching a two year old take the sacrament, look at the deacon and quite clearly and loudly say THANK YOU! I love the fact that she is a natural born teacher and sets such a good example for the rest of us.

4. That she will retreat to her "hut" to do her "business". No one enjoys watching another person poop. Nope, not enjoyable. Yet, this giver of a girl makes sure to garner some private time in her "hut" to get the job done. She's also very good to not bring any undue attention to herself when finished. She knows that no words are necessary.

2. She's a gal that understands the need for fashion and to take care of her skin. Keeping her every handy parasol at the ready while riding her pony, is an indicator of a good girl who knows proper skin care. With this kind of a friend, who needs sunscreen?

2. Her love for desserts. All desserts, any desserts. She will even eat cheesecake so I don't have to even put it near my smelling orifice. Doesn't she take such good care of me? And well, let's just say, her enjoyment of all things sweet, chocolatey, delicious and sinful, is a talent to aspire to.

And the number one reason Sissy is my ultimate BFF?

1. That her first complete sentence to me was "I will do it.". That's it Meemaw. Don't try and help her with her cereal with *eek* milk in it. She will feed herself, she will take care of it, and she will make sure that the dogs clean up any mess she might make. No worries for me!
Aaaaaaannnnnnnddd...... that her second complete sentence to me was "I yuv you." Unprovoked. Sincere and straight from the heart.


  1. I loves me a Sissy! She is such a doll. Love all the pics, too.

  2. She is a keeper.

    Although I am not a huge fan of sincere and from the heart.

    I am all about rote and rehearsed and memorized and cold.

  3. You continually torture me Melissa. I just love the grandma in you :)

  4. What a cutie. And I have said it before and I'll say it again, her bangs are growing out quite nicely!

  5. Wait, you've got her CRATE TRAINED??? that is so cool.

    p.s. Do you really hate french fries? or you're just not supposed to eat them cause they're not healthy?

  6. This was such a sweet post!

    And what is this french fries aversion you are talking about?

  7. i loved this post.
    could she be any cuter?
    could you be any cuter with her?
    love the big thank you to the deacons....sweet!

  8. To set the record straight. I love french fries. With dipping sauce. I just don't let myself eat them.....

  9. She is a cutie and apparently learning from the best!

  10. She is adorable...and most of those traits are very admirable and definitely BFF material...except for the french fry stealing thingie...I'd be chasing her around the room to get my french fries back!!! Which would explain why I am the size of a large hippo...and you are thin and can run marathons!

  11. Hey! I missed you! What a cute Best 10 Post! I am confussed about the "potty-crate" I hope she is still in diapers? ....and I'll eat cheesecake any day so you don't have to....but keep Sissy around for the french fries...I no likey those!

  12. she sounds like my kinda girl!

  13. I love your posts about Sissy. I love your relationship.
    It makes me step back and remember not to stress so much about my kids.
    She's so lucky to have you!

  14. She looks a lot like you in that last picture----you guys are so cute together...

    I DO miss MY G-babies!!

  15. She is a keeper for sure.

    And the sacrament story totally reminded me of when Taylor was little. He'd take a piece of bread, eat it and say "mmm...tasty! Thanks guy!"


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