Monday, May 25, 2009

How I spent my Memorial Day - the kick off to summer

You'd think it would have been a day full of summer fun right? Outdoor play, the barbeque going, hanging with friends and NOT even!

Started the day with a quick bike ride to the gym for 75 min of kickboxingTib,me,Purdy

Sissy got her own bikeriding in

And then the real fun started with some of this

and this

and even some of this(buh-bye gray!)

We finally took a break and jaunted off to decorate our Dad's graves.
My Dad is buried in the Evergreen Cemetary in Springville, UT. He is next to his parents and a baby sister who was born on August 7th which is both mine and my Dad's birthday. She died the same day, they didn't even get a chance to name her

Then we headed back to Salt Lake to the Wasatch Lawn Memorial Estates where Splenda's dad is buried
MIL had been there previously and I loved the ribbon that she had wrapped around a flower container"Proud to be an American" He would have loved that. He had served a short time in the army, and was extremely patriotic. I noticed the grave marker next to his was a retired military WWII and Vietnam vet. He would have been honored to lie next to him.

After some quiet introspection at both grave sites, we headed home and after changing out yet ANOTHER load of laundry, headed for some super-di-duper fun that involves this

Tuffy was more than a little pleased when I splurged and brought home thisfor dinner. Perfect holiday meal right?

Sissy did a little duck chasing

But the day would not be complete if we didn't end it like thisI can't ever get enough of the snuggle.

I only wish that I could have gotten more of this

Happy Memorial Day 2009 - With a grateful heart to all who have gone before. Who have forged new paths. Who did not shrink from the fight. Who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Here's to honoring you, and to feeling "Proud to be an American"

Have you ever wondered why American Soldiers wear the flag patch backwards on just the right side of their arm?
The basic answer is: they are brave!
This flag is symbolic of the men who used to march into battle with an actual flag. So steady and strong that the flag would blow behind them. On the arms of our soldiers, the flag faces as if being carried into battle, blowing behind them.
(image and explanation taken from here)


  1. You guys are insane! Biking to the gym for more working out?!?!

  2. Looks like your day turned out pretty good. Me too...good night!

  3. All in all---you got a ton of things done---I am always impressed!!

  4. That was a jam packed day for sure, little miss m.

    I really enjoyed learning about the flag too.

  5. Thanks for the flag 411!

    I had Chili's today, too! Can't ever get me enough Chili's. And I do laundry every day and it never ends. Ever. If I could hire out ONE house hold task it would be laundry. I. Hate. Its. Guts.

    Your guts?? Those guts I love!

  6. I had no idea about the flag. That is awesome! I should have done laundry yesterday but I went walking and worked out in the yard and did a little shopping myself. The laundry is getting done this morning.

  7. great info. thanks.

    and sounds like a very productive weekend, getting in all that you could and should!

  8. The laundry theme was going on over at our house too. As well as the grocery shopping and the cuddling with my little man last night.

  9. Twas so much fun to ride to the gym - not as much fun to ride home...

    I didn't know that about the flag either - thanks for sharing!

    Oh, and I meant to tell you this morning - the hair is MUCH improved :)

  10. you three ladies are SO overdressed for bike riding. i think you need to take a cue from sissy.

  11. What a great post.

    Hey! you got all the basics in on your M.D. then had some hugs and kisses , great food, and you still managed to share some info about the flag that I didn't know.Thanx

  12. Love the info about the flag. Just makes me appreciate those guys more.

    Love the diaper and the trike. And can I say jealous...I would love to find time to go to the gym..especially if I got to run (don't love the bike) there!

    And I hear you on the sleep thing. I miss it more and more each day!

  13. Next time you drive through springville stop at Jakes Brookside 4 East and 4 south and get some good grill food! That's our business. Ask for Justin and tell him you are my 'bloggy' friend that I always talk about :-)

  14. Laundry, cemeteries and that adorable Sissy...good way to spend a day!

  15. All your energy really pisses off those of us who are slugs!!! And that was a very cool fact about the flag patches...I love it!


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