Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hey you! Yeah, I'm talking to you! I need some help.....

I'm gonna take the leap, but I am still in the research phase.....

So my question to you, all two of you who happen to read this lil ole blog, is this:

Have you or someone you know had Lasik surgery done?
And if so, who performed it, and are you/they happy with their results?

I'm looking to stay along the Wasatch front area, and want PERFECTION.

Any feedback, is greatly and warmly appreciated. Make out session may or may not be awarded


  1. My brother-in-law had it done, and other than the first day or two, he loved it. I guess it's really painful right after? The army did it for him, so I have no doctors to refer you to. I think about doing it but I'm chicken. I always think "what if"?

    Here's a weird story. I once wore my contacts too long before getting new ones that one of them was doing harm to my eye, but it actually corrected my vision in that eye. The doctor was mad at me, but I was kinda happy.

  2. I had it done 4 years ago best money I ever spent. I was very scared at first messing with your eyeballs is serious business but the results were awesome. I could see and not feel like I needed a cane to walk around with!

  3. I have never had it done. But I get diarrhea just thinking about going to the eye doctor - I don't think I could ever even consider the Lasik.

    I am freak about my eyes - I think I would prefer blindness...

    My other Melissa friend had it done - and she loved her results - I will try to get the 411.

  4. Melissa Rob has this done and absolutely looked the results. It was a little place down on 5400 and state. They were extremely professional and nice but the financing was perfect. He is thinking about having the other eye done soon

  5. YAY! I can help! Elton had it done back in 2005. He went to Lasik Plus off of State and 5300 South. I can't remember what his vision was before he had it done, but he is now 20/15. He says it wasn't very painful, only a little uncomfortable. He had to sleep w/these eye covers for a few weeks as to not disturb the eyes while sleeping. YOu CAN'T RUB YOUR EYES for a while either and you do eyedrops for a while.

    He loved it and it is 4 years and he still has perfect vision. And he loves that he doesn't look like and effing nerd (his words not mine).

    If you have anymore questions, email me :)

  6. my brother and his girlfriend have both had it done. they both swear it's the greatest thing.
    they had theirs done in vegas.

  7. My dad had it done in SLC. Dr Alldredge did it. It went really well and he LOVES it. He's one of those dudes who will only go for the best doctors with the latest technology and I happen to know his doctor and know that he is fantastic. I hope to go to him one day! If you want more info I'll get it for you, you know how to find me!

  8. My friend just did it! she said it was great! I have know Idea who did it but I can find out!

  9. everyone I know who has done it, loves it! My problem is my cornea is not thick enough, may check into other options such as surgically inserting a lense..that can be reversed. Sorry I cannot help with the Wasatch Front :)

  10. My best friend and her husband both went to Hoopes here in the SLC valley. She was a complete nervous wreck about it, and it a very controlling (bless her heart) woman. She's SOO SOOOOO happy now that she did it - doesn't have one iota of regret and wishes she'd have done it sooner.

    I am perfect, therefore I need not any lasik!
    KIDDING! sortof...

  11. My husband Kyle had it down last September at Hoopes in Sandy. It was a breeze. He has loved it and I have too! They came highly recommended to us and now to you. :)

  12. I wish that I could afford to have it done! I would, in a second!

    Good luck on your journey to get it done----and let us know how it goes!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. My friend Christie at Marathon Mom just had it done a month ago. I think there's a link on my blog if you dont' read her. She did a post about it recently and I'm sure she'd love to answer any of your questions.

  15. how funny...I was just telling Sean I have to get mine done! My contacts are so killing me latley....can't wait to hear if you go thru with it!


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