Monday, May 11, 2009

Adventures in Sissy sitting.......

Sissy's mom had to have her gall bladder out and so we got to take our favorite girl for about a week. Lot's of adventures......

Ice-cream is a MUST

We also learned that it's probably best not to let her roam unattended while showering. She was just trying to get her "porn cops"

We also had a lesson in Yankees vs Red Sox. Really? What are the odds of this parking situation at a Wal-mart?We had a firm lesson on why the Red Sox suck and that the Yankees are our team. I tried to teach her this important scripture found in the book of Melissa. Chapter one, verse one: "Choose ye this day whom you will cheer for, but as for me and my house, we cheer for the Yankees." It was a bit much for her 2 year old self, but she'll learn it. I'll see to that!

We also had to visit the park and eat french fries. It's a must you know...

On evening, we ventured out to see her boyfriend and Tuffy's BFF B play baseball. He is the one with the helmet off, he had just scored.For some reason, she really loves B. Flirts with him every chance she gets. Hussy.

And, she needed to help Poppa in the flower bed

Big plans for the zoo and the aquarium actually never came to fruition. Did you know that 2 year olds need to nap? Somehow I found that she has a bit of a schedule to keep and if we ventured off the schedule, it was pure hell. The zoo and the aquarium will come on their own days. Naps were just too important.

We loved having her, she is a pure delight. In fact, Sunday evening a few hours after she had gone home, we looked around like we were missing something and both of us commented, that while a break is nice, we much prefer her with us!!


  1. I'm sure you are going through Sissy withdrawals now.

    I now have a new name for my cereal.

  2. I luv me some g-kid time!!

    I do go thru major withdrawals when they party is over.

  3. No grandkids here yet, but I go through the same kind of withdrawal whenever I've been around my young nieces/nephew for awhile and then have to leave =(

    Looks like you guys had a great time!

  4. 2 years old is definitely not too young to share the love of the Yankees. My kids were totally trash talking the RedSucks by that age :-)

  5. She is a girl after my own heart. I had a hair cut very similar to her's when I was 4. Self inflicted of course. She's adorable! I'm glad you had a nice time with her.

  6. Porn cops is awesome. My two year old loves tap n punch. (captain crunch)

  7. My 2 year eats hula hoops for cops sound way better!

  8. Porn Cops!!! That is hilarious! Maybe it's a future career path for her. ha ha ha

  9. Her bangs are growing out quite nicely!

  10. HAHAHA...Porn Cops!

    ...and I have to You Tube a funny Yankee/Boston'll laugh your pants off!

  11. Maybe she'll go into marketing when she's older! She is quite the cutie!

  12. I am much like a 2 year old. Give me my nap or there will be hell to pay.

  13. She is the cutest.

    And how come you are so pretty?


Lay it on me....