Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday Wrandom Wrambling's

Just some random thoughts that keep rattling around that upper portion of my body that is generally referred to as a head. Sometimes someone will even mention a brain there, but usually not with me. I usually get the "air" comments.

So, it's raining/snowing again. Really?! I've had enough. If I wanted this kind of weather, I'd live further up north. And I don't want to hear, "this is spring in Utah." I know that. It doesn't mean I like it any better. In fact, it sucks. You'd think that after living here virtually my whole life, I would be used to it, but I am not. And global warming??? My arse! Please, please, please I want to re-locate to St George. Why can't we get work down there? Or better yet, why can't we be independently wealthy?

Tuffy is still sick. Finally went to the doctor. Tonsillitis. Needs an antibiotic. 'Sokay, at least he will get feeling better. But really, missing so much school is NOT good for this kid. Not good at all. School and he aren't friends as it is, this does not help matters. But, I did get a chance to visit with my all- time favorite doc in the world (for male doc's that is). Dude seriously is fantastic and we always have a great chat.

At the post office today sending Elder L's package, (which BTW - WHY did I choose today, 4/15 to go to the post office? Again friends, air....) the couple behind me looked at where my package was addressed and struck up a conversation. Seems he served his mission in the same place which is remarkable since NO ONE ever seems to go to Osorno. Everyone goes to Santiago, or even Concepcion, but never Osorno. We talked and he knew all the places L has been, and is now, and he described them to me. Might have been a mistake to tell a missionary mom about the living conditions. Began having a little chest pain and stress. Glad I am sending clothes and treats.

Wanted and planned on going to a tea party today but then with Tuffy at the doc and the weather being so crappy, I didn't end up going. Not gonna lie, a little disappointed in myself, but hey, what can you do? Interesting that certain network news shows haven't even covered it at all, at least that I have seen anyway. I think that makes a pretty loud statement about where the mainstream media lies.

Isn't it freakin awesome that you can order lo-cal items at Wendy's? Did you know that their Chili is lo-cal, nutritious and very filling? A large Chili is only 280 calories, throw in a jr Frosty and you have a lunch for less than 500 calories! She sets, she shoots, she SCORES!

That's it, that's all the randomness I have. Time to go get the freshly shaved dogs, get fitted for new running shoes, more laundry and of course, my job.

What randomness is rolling around your head? Which, BTW, unlike mine, has a brain rather than a whole lot of air.


  1. Here's something from my head: Do we really care that the Obamas finally got a dog? Really? Do we? I know I don't give a rat's behind that they got a dog.

  2. LMBO @ Martha's comment!

    I second that.

    Other than that, I don't have much going on in my head right now...I think I'm too sleepy.

  3. There's gotta be more than just air in your head because I really enjoy reading the things that come tumbling out!

  4. Yeah kids are supposed to be on "Spring" break. Lovely.


    just got back from the tea was fun. and cold. and wet.

    just now wishing i had one of the Wendi's chili's right now!

  6. wow...your day just plain tuckered me out...I need to go have a nap now...for the both of us!

    ....and ONLY in Utah can you be at the post office and the person behind you has even been on a mission let alone in the exact same town your son is in! Lets see here....I would be in line in front of a man wearing a little very tiny space-ship-saucer on his head and behind another man wearing the same thing...but it's all good because they know how to hold on to their money and keep the local property values up...and I'm all over that!...hehehe Plus they are hilarious comedians like Jerry Seinfeld & Larry David....and I ♥ me some Seinfeld!

    oh...and i second what the brillant Martha says! ...I ♥ her too!

  7. I wore sandals and a short-sleeved shirt today. Stupid snow.

  8. I have random thoughts going through my head all the time. Luvpilot has made me promise to warn him in advance when I'm about to change the subject suddenly on him. He has a hard time keeping up.

  9. That's awesome that you can find the best Chili in the world that is actually healthy, and that it's a great meal if only finished off by a fastastcally caloric frostie! Love it!

  10. Not only did the mainstream media not cover it....but my hubby and I just read several articles from those same media outlets....get this....accusing FOX NEWS of not "reporting the news" but "promoting a right wing agenda" Can you believe THE HYPOCRISY!

  11. Love your randomness....

    Me---I got nothin---heck---its 1:30 in the morning, whadd-ya want?

  12. I mistakenly went to the post office today too. to get a PO box. I couldnt' figure out why the post office was so hopping at 2pm on a Wednesday until one of the tellers shouted, "Does anyone just need a postmark?" I thought that was a strange thing to ask. Then it all clicked. Aaaaahhhhhh. (I'm dumb.)

  13. You're so funny. Love your randomness!

  14. If it makes you feel better, the weather in St. George wasn't that great either. And new running shoes....that's my favorite thing!


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