Saturday, April 25, 2009

Missionary Update - On Saturday???

Subject: Tranfers!!


Well family, here is some news! I was taken out of Radimadi, but to a place not too far away. I was transfered to Osorno haha. My sector is called Francke. I am pretty sure that you guys will be able to look it up in google and see how it is, but it is a small sector with a much better house than what I have. I was called to be a District Leader here. There are 4 missionaries in my district. A sector called Obejería and Centro. It actually is really really cool here! My companions name is Elder Gomez. He is also from Honduras! He has about 1 month and a half in the mission, so I will also be ending his training. I am not going to lie to you guys, there is a lot of work to do being district leader, so it keeps me really busy.

I am sure that you guys are probably wondering why I am writing to you guys on a Saturday. Here in Osorno, the Pdays are on Saturday. So from now on I will be writing and hearing from you guys every Sat., not Monday. This is only here in Osorno haha. Downtown here is really awesome. There are tons of stores and big buildings. This is where I will be buying my jacket and some other stuff that I need. I took out 60,000 pesos for right now. I am not sure if I need more, but that should do for now. I should be expecting the package soon and will be getting it a lot faster now that I am close to the Office.

I am loving the mission right now that is for sure!! Basiclly to sum up what a DL does, is everyday Tuesday we have a District Meeting. I direct the meeting, and give a class to help the missionaries in one or more aspects in the work. Also every Wed. Thru, and Fril. the missionaries call me and give me the information of their work, for example how many lessons they are teaching and stuff like that. I then give those to the Zone Leaders. I also do what is called Inter changes. When my companionship along with another, swap for a day. This is done to be able to help the missionaries in the sector.

Today we have a baptizm!! His name is Jaun Pablo. He is about 30 years old but way cool! I am going to have to send you guys pics the next sat and everything. He wants me to baptizm him. Also, his cousin now has a baptismal date 30 of May. Slowly but surely we will be able to talk and convert all of his family.

All in all things are going great here on the mission. The time is flying by and the experiences are amazing. I still dont have any information about when I call you guys :( That is going to have to be the next Pday. Anyway I hope that you guys have a great week. I am looking foward to hearing from you guys soon! Love you guys and miss ya!

Elder Catmull

P.S. My comp doesnt have anyone that writes him. That would be really nice if you guys could send him a package :) Thanks for your love and support.

*It was a HUGE surprise to see this in my in-box today! In fact it was in work's email so I wouldn't have normally seen it until Monday, but I just happened to open it today. Not surprised he is in a leadership role. He has some natural ability there, though he would never be the first to admit that. Now, off to send a package to the comp! : )


  1. Awesome! He is such a Handsome man :)

  2. Great things going on there.

    I'm counting on you to get me through when my boys are old enough to go on missions. I don't even want my 12 yr old to go on the scout campout this summer and that's only 5 days.

  3. very cool!!! you are a great missionary mom!! already on to the comp's package! awesome!! :D

  4. Very neat! I hope he enjoys this new area.

  5. What a great kid. Of course he is already a District Leader!

  6. Hooray for transfers! Send that boy a package!

  7. I like that he looks past the obvious negative aspects of Juan Pablo (being 30) and still thinks he's cool. :p


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