Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend - Kicking it Sissy Style

Started my weekend with the Sis when I finally got home, got unpacked, showered and a trip to the store. First up? Our usual weekend dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

After a good night sleep (okay for Sissy, but not for Splenda or I - she moves ALOT), it was waking up to a beautiful Easter Sunday morning. Poppa headed over early to church to set up chairs and make sure the Sacrament was being taken care of. Sissy and I got our girl stuff on!

Really, not gonna lie, but she is ADORABLE! Of course the headband didn't last all the way through church. In fact, I think she took it off as soon as I left her in nursery. Oh well, it was cute while it lasted. Nothing like a fluffy Easter dress is there?
After some lunch, some candy and a nice long nap, it was over to Grandma Sue's and Grandpa John's for Easter dinner with the fam.
The little girls had a blast playing in the mecca of children's playrooms

Chloee, Alivia and Tayvree

My family is totally weird. Like each of us has weird eating issues or habits. Repetitive noise issues, and feet issues. Most of us can't STAND having our feet touched, especially by someone else,s feet. EWWWWW GROSSS!! Well, it got a little carried away, and certain people just could not resist from tormenting some of the rest of us. Finally, I just had to end it wall with one big picture of all the grossness of feet and then call it OVER! Notice Chan in the back REFUSING to participate. Love her! She's my kind of girl! And she has recently taken up running, joined the track team and is a sprinter. YAY!! Can't wait to start hitting her meets!

Nothing like spending time with family on special holidays. My family is a hoot. We show love to each other by teasing and harrassing each other. There is a lot of that going on when we get together, as well as diet coke, diet pepsi, food, and of course lot's of goodies! The best part? Mom and John provided EVERYTHING! I didn't have to bring a thing.
I relaxed hanging with my BFF's, Chloee had a blast with her cousins and by the time we got home, we were quickly in our jammies and settling in bed with a movie and quiet time. The only downer of the day? Tuffy woke up sicker than a dog and hasn't left the couch all day. Luckily the Easter Bunny had left us some fun new movies so he had plenty to watch as he went in and out of sleeping.

Sissy's mom will be here to pick her up soon, and I will have to say goodbye to my bestet BFF for another week. It's hard and sad to have to say good-bye but it always gives me something to look forward to for the next Friday night!
Happy Easter Sissy - Mimi loves you!


  1. I wish my week consisted of Texas Roadhouse!

    And Sissy looks completely adorable!

  2. Oh, what a beautiful G-baby! Mine call me Mimi also---or did I already tell you that? Heh,heh...

    You look gorgeous also---so pretty on Easter! I love dressing up---good to hear about your day!

  3. My favorite is the pink shoes. And I hate feet when they're on anyone older than 2, but absolutely ADORE what we in our weird family call "baby pigs". Why is that, I wonder?

  4. those little socks and shoes are too cute! Happy Easter Weekend!

  5. What a beautiful Easter dress & outfit Sissy is wearing! Love the cute shoes!

    you look great too! Love the pic of you two together before church!

  6. Sounds like a great Easter, I adore Sissy's pink patent leather shoes!

  7. Look at how smokin hot you are! LOVE Chloee's dress too!!! :)

    Glad you had such a rockin Easter :)

  8. Very cute Easter dress! I love her little socks!

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  9. You had me at Texas Roadhouse!

    And she is a doll. I always look forward to hearing about your weekends with your bestest BFF!

  10. You speak the truth - she looked adorable!!

    And you spend every weekend at Texas Roadhouse? My boys would be jealous. Of course I can't get off with just feeding them rolls. The big one thinks he needs steak everytime we go out.

  11. DeNae's telling the truth. We call them baby pigs and I am OBSESSED with Harley's baby piggies. Love. His. Feet.

    Are you all sitting on a trampoline in the feet picture???

    That picture of her in her shoes is priceless!

  12. Sissy is so cute! What a cute Easter dress. I couldn't find anything really cute this year.

    Now I know where Alan's disgust about feet comes from. :)


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