Sunday, March 1, 2009

We WILL be in the "know", I won't stand for us being anything less!

Okay, so I realized from many of your comments regarding my lack of knowledge in the hip, up-to-date, street slang that most of you are lacking in the smarts here too.
So, my friends, and yes you will thank me, I am going to remedy that sitch (first attempt) on a daily basis.

This is the FIRST edition of the daily: "Slang Gang Word Of the Day"!! Okay, stop laughing, this is going to be invaluable information for you. You will add so many cool words and phrases to your vocabulary, that your friends, family, and RS sisters will be astounded at your new awesomeness factor. Your teenagers and their friends will start wanting to hang out with you all the time, because your sick self will be off the hook! You will automatically rise several degrees on the hip status meter when you say things like:

Yellular - The loudness one adopts in response to a bad cell-phone connection, in the misguided hope that talking louder will improve the connection.
"I'm so embarrassed. I went totally yellular at a restaurant last night."


off the box - the state of being removed from a position of prominence/importance due to a foolish mistake. Related to Michael Phelps being dropped by Kellogg after a picture of him with a bong was released
"Dude, after that bonehead move you are so off the box."

Now, I will be completely honest and tell you that I ashamedly, I mean, proudly subscribed myself to the Urban Dictionary word of the day. With about half of their content being a little, okay, a lot on the inappropriate side, I am going to take the hit for you. I'll screen them and post only those things whose content are deemed at the most a PG-13. Stop laughing. I realize that many times I cross that line between PG-13 and R, but I really am committed to doing better so you can all just shut your pieholes that fell agape with astonishment and be proud of my new initiative!

So, for today, I have already provided you with SEVERAL throughout this post. Try to find at least one opportunity during the 24 hrs to use your newfound cool words and phrases and watch yourself become "the one" of the group. And finally, if anyone has an awesome graphic that would fit the daily post and would be willing to share it, please email it to me. The one above only works for today......



  1. And we don't even have to pay you for this?

    I am so excited just thinking how hip I'm going to become. I only wish you'd posted this before I went to church today. I know I could've used those words in my testimony.

  2. You subscribed to Urban Dictionary? Wow! Way to take one for the team!
    We (your readers) are eternally indebted to you.

  3. Of the box! That is too funny. I wish I had someone to use all these cool phrases on. Thanks for taking one for the team ;)

  4. Melissa - you are a giver. And I dig that.

    You are so ON the box.

  5. i think i am going to greatly benefit from this urban word series of yours. thank you.
    i still don't know what the former little nick name meant???

  6. Love the off the box. I am going to use that for every sin from they day forward. Loved the thoughts today.

  7. You are such a humanitarian! I'm so grateful that you are willing to provide us with this most valuable service!
    Form now on, whenever I go to the food court at the mall, I will be able to understand what all the teenagers are saying.

  8. So is 'sick' really cool or really lame(to use a term from my generation :-)

  9. Thanks for taking the hit for us on this! I'm looking forward to learning more words so I can look AND sound cool. I don't want to be "off the box"

  10. Yet another reason why I love me some Melissa!

  11. Holy shizzle, gf! Thanks for the low down on the 411! I can't wait to get more deets on the hip words of the dizzle!

  12. Dude, my mom goes yellular on EVERY phone call, even the land-line ones. It doesn't matter if there is a good connection or not. if she's on the phone, she thinks she has to yell. ANNOYING.


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