Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tickle Me Pink Tuesday

After yesterday, and my mini-melt down (something about being on call, the weather, being cold, head hurting and sick and tired of snow)..... I was wondering if I could possibly come up with anything that was "tickling me pink" today. Well after a little time thinking whilst getting my butt kicked in weights this morning, some things came very clearly to me!

Ticking me pink today:

That Splenda is getting a bonus! We are blessed to have jobs but even more blessed that he gets a little extra right now. And, being the Splenda that he is, will pay off the last of his car. Gotta get ready for the 'stang you know!

That the Shark thinks enough of me to get me a prize for attaining a goal on Saturday. Although she is also a saboteur of my healthy eating strategy, I can't wait to get going on these bad boys......

That Ohmgirl had a birthday and we can have Cafe Rio today aaaaannnnnddddddd that she found her hawt hooker heels picture so I could post it. Now would your voting have changed? I know that the sock line on her sexy leg would have done it for you! (I never saw it myself, until she pointed it out - awesome!)

That I am no longer on call. 'Nuff said.

What's "tickling you pink" today?


  1. Strawberry yogurt at Maverick. And that I get to put it on the cone all by myself :-)

  2. I bought a kickin' new purse today at Maurice's...AND it was marked down 40%!

    Glad you were able to come up with a few things that tickled you in spite of your bad day yesterday =)

  3. The cutest jacket on clearance for $12.00!! I won't get to wear it til next winter, but then I'll get to be happy all over again.

    Yay for bonuses! I can't wait to see his new wheels.

  4. Hooray for your run on Saturday. You are truly my inspiration. I don't know that I'm quite inspired enough to start running yet, though.

  5. I want you to know that I painted my toe nails (a bi-annual event, if I'm lucky) just for that picture. That's how much I love you. (However, I did forget to shave my toes. Good thing it's not a close up.)

    Lunch was so fun! And thanks again for that book. I can't wait to get started on it. I need a good new book!

  6. Tib upstaged the package I sent you yesterday! Oh well, I hope you like it anyway :)

    Let's see, what's tickling me pink...The fact that we just ordered TiVo because I can't stand watching commercials anymore. The fact that Twilight just arrived in the mail via Netflix today. The no bake chocolate cookies I have inhaled today.

  7. Finding out that having two daughters swimming warrants me a 10% discount.....I had to pay 44 dollars, but I saved 4.40!! Yippee.....(and now I have officially commented.)

  8. That you are a UTE fan! It's lonely being one of those in Utah County.

  9. I am so glad that Milk Duds worked their magic.

    My work here is done.

  10. cute OMGirl!

    glad you got your Milk duds fix....that makes me happy!


Lay it on me....