Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Slang Gang Word of the Day

Cheat Chain - When one kid copies answers from a smart kid in class, then another kid copies from him/her, and the someone copies off the kid who copied off the kid who copied from the smart kid, etc.

Eventually having everyone in the cheat chain having the smart kids answers, ideal for desks set in rows.

"I'm really glad we organized that cheat chain on Friday, I actually have a chance of not failing."

Particularly helpful for those of us who still have kids in school. Not that any of OUR kids would do this.....


  1. I am a fan of this segment. Seriously! It makes me feel like I'm totally cool, which of course -I am. ha ha ha

  2. I think you should keep a running list of these on the side for us. Just for the really old people like me that can't remember.

  3. I told the VP at our HS that they needed to put the Swiss exchange student on the district payroll, because he was the author of one of these 'chains' in the AP chemistry class my daughter is sort of passing. She has an A, but doesn't know much about Chemistry (unless you count being able to spell the word 'chemistry', and having the good sense to sit by the Swiss exchange student...)

  4. We were so old fashion. We used notes.

    These are becoming my favorite Melissa.

  5. I guess I've got to admit,I have the cheat chain to thank for passing most of my grades...ok maybe not most of them...but definitely some of them!...pretty much think I was the second link of the chain! (not because I really didn't know the answers...more because just didn't do my homework in time!)


Lay it on me....