Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Slang Gang word of the Day

Thank you Just So for the graphic - just what I was looking for!

You wastin my minutes - for use when someone says something stupid and you just don't feel like listening anymore.

"Dude, you wastin my minutes."


  1. Love it. Especially the new pic.

  2. Already use this one...

    Thanks though :)

  3. Love it! Adding of to my lingo.

  4. Now that ain't ridonkulous! I like it...I'm gonna use it on my kids...they'll think I'm groovy :)

  5. You crack me up!

    I was behind a parade maker today and I totally thought of you! Come-on learn how to drive!!

  6. i like this one
    i'm pretty sure i could use it most every day....

    how do you think it would go over when the sisters have an abundance of comments during my next RS lesson?

  7. Great picture. That is perfect. I better run now. Dude, I am wastin your minutes.

  8. Yeah to Shanna for the pic! Awesome! I love this blog entry. Michelle even asked me what the word of the day was, but you hadn't posted it by the time I left work, so I'll have to tell her tomorrow.

    Totally keep using "parade maker". It totally fits. I got stuck behind one on the way home from work today. It bugged.

    Love today's phrase, too. Do you think we'd get in trouble if we use it when we're on-call?

  9. When I worked at the court, my friend Kim and I used to consult urbandictionary.com. It was how I translated what the defendants were telling me. It was also where I learned what an "8ball" was.

  10. You are SO hip. Or it is rad? Right on? Wicked awesome?

    I clearly need help.

  11. After I add the missing "are" I am TOTALLY using this one.

  12. i am all about the slang, bring it on!

  13. This blog totally does not waste my minutes.

  14. girlfriend, you never waste my minutes! LOL!


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