Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Paaarrrtttaaaayyy! Or, how to amuse a two year old

Pretty much just about anything amuses a two year old. In fact, the simpler the better.
We celebrated Sissy's big day tonight with a little family party that her Mom put together. Poppa found a cool big magna-doodle somthing or other.It was a hit!
Mom had an array of fun toys..Mom is on right.
She LOVED her balloons that Mimi brought.
Then it was time for a little pre-cake appetizer of cookies
And then running around playing with everything and everyone. How fun to be the center of EVERYONE'S attention
When it was time to sing and blow out the candle, a little confusing. Even with everyone's help and encouragement.But when it came to figuring out out to eat the thing? Well, let's just say, girl got game. Start with the frosting...

Next up for her big day? Saturday and the Aquarium! Sissy loves fish and sharks! And of course, we need to spread her b-day out for like a whole week at least!! : )


  1. How fun!! I love her smile. She is definitely a cutie! And the cake looks yummo!

  2. Looks like she had a great time. Now I want some cake.

  3. fun day,
    with the right kind of training, which she is obviously getting, she will have this birthday thing down!
    cake, ice-cream, balloons and especially the celebrating for at least a week!

  4. Such a fun age! Glad she's feeling better.

    Are you going to the aquarium in Sandy? I took my boys there Saturday afternoon. I was impressed with the amount of different kinds of fish there were. The UT lakes stuff was kinda boring, but the other was great.

  5. I can tell that it is all eyes on her when she is around. What a cutie and how fun Melissa.

  6. that is a cute, cute, CUTE cake! Yummy...I want some!

    looks like she had LOTS of fun!!!

  7. I love cake on the face pictures!

  8. Very cute cake!

    We should get Sissy and Vivi together. They would have a blast.

  9. Looks like a perfect birthday!

  10. Now that looks like a very happy birthday girly right there! Super cute! Love the cake too! (Balloons are always the things my kids end up playing with the most!)

  11. She is so cute! And all I have to say is watch out...Terrible Two's are in full force now!

  12. I heart Sissy!

    Looks like a fun b-day for her.

    Cake all over the face - best thing ever!

  13. Love the magna-doodle!
    Because you are the world's best grandma, you HAVE to get her an Aqua-Doodle to play with at Mimi's house. Best no-mess-keep-them-occupied-for-a-loooong-time-toy ever. Worth every penny. My kids love it.

  14. Happy Birthday cute girl! She has one hot looking grandma.

  15. Look at that cute cake! And that cute 2 year old! And why didn't you have comments turned on for your Why Wednesday post? Cause I wanted to say that I had that sharts poster on my desktop for the longest time. I would just open it up and laugh for a while and then close it again. SO funny!

  16. What a cute girl!!!! Looks like SO much fun!!!! I lOVE that you got her all those balloons!! you rock! :)


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