Friday, March 6, 2009

Jaguars SUCCESS again!!

Oh my, oh my, it's gettin fun now!! Yesssssss! We beat the Davis Darts. And not by a slim margin, I might add.

It was an awesome game! The boys played their hearts out and our coaching staff once again, proved why they are so successful.
The boys played great defense.
And great offense, though, we had a streak of turnovers there in the 3rd quarter that caused the fans some serious frustration.
But they made their free throws in the clutch. 4th quarter free throws are so important!
Even a local cameraman provided some amusement.

We sat by our good friend Kim whose husband is the one we learned not to mess with. And right behind us were some fun friends we have known for like a gazillion years. Our boys played baseball and basketball together. Right in front of us were another couple we have known for a long time. Sissy even handled the game. She especially liked the cheerleaders and the dancing half time routines. That and the licorice, churro and diet coke we kept shoveling in her mouth to keep her entertained.

(Yes, Cadance, I feel the "your a horrible mother" stare coming all the way from NYC - I'll accept it and know that you love me anyway)
Besides, who can resist a sticky, sugary, gooey, messy face like this anyway?

It really was exciting and so fun to see them win again! Tomorrow night? 5A State Finals 7:00pm. WJ Jaguars vs Lone Peak. Now, THAT is going to be a game! I hope I can handle the tension! And I hope our boys can pull it out. Lone Peak is tough and always has been, but this just might be our year! Stay tuned.....


  1. YEEEE-HAAAAW!!! Here in Pleasant Grove we HATE the Lone Peak Knights! GOOOOOOO Jaguars!
    Let's go Jaguars, let's go! (clap, clap)

  2. I've sat through many a game with a wiggley, squiggley, sugared up, sticky toddler on my lap! I admire your courage and your patience!

    You are an amazing influence to that sweet little girl. She is lucky to have you!

  3. YEA!!! GO JAGS!!!

    You crack me up!...believe me I'm no saint when it comes to entertaining kids in drug of choice just happens to be SUGAR and lots of it! On any given day you can check my purse and you'll find my "emergency" stash! and to be honest I think I was so peeved about the "Coke" thing the other night because on top of watching this couple medicate their 3 children with Coke I also had to watch the disgusting husband sit and eat all of his finger-nails off...inches from my face...who does that!?!? Gross!
    (your husband didn't happen to be doing this while you were feeding your adorable sticky-faced cutie-pie...did he?...I didn't think so!!!LOL!

    ...and for the record my friends always get the "your a horrible mom" free pass card!

  4. I absolutely love the joy and terror of sitting in the stands watching my children play a game. Right now I only have one child (age 27!) left who plays football....but my baby grandchildren should be starting Tball/soccer any day now!

  5. this is one of the funnest parts of having kids in high school, i think.
    what a great friday night full of fun!

  6. Davis should loose and not because WJ is the better team...its because their school colors suck!

  7. I do have to give them props for improving the hand they were dealt a bit since my high school days. Back then they actually sported brown shorts and jerseys and we made fun of them all the time!

  8. I loved high school basketball games! Good luck to the Jags! Go all the way!

  9. what a cutie patootie she is !! How fun to spoil her rotten I love it !!

  10. that looks so exciting!! :)
    love the mohawk on that camera man!!! crazy!!!!

  11. LOL!! The mohawk!!! That IS entertaining!! :) And yes Chloee is just a little spoiled...but that's your job!!! Who can resist that cute gooey face????!!! :D

  12. Woo hoo for the Jags!

    I hope they get it done tonight!

  13. Is the Davis Darts' school color blue, by any chance? Hahaha, BLUE DARTS, get it???

  14. What is a Dart and why is that Davis' mascot?


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