Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that this weekend is the annual LOVE day and that Splenda and I get to spend some good quality alone time together.

I am thankful that my hotel room has a microwave so I can heat up my beloved cornbag.

I am thankful for my good health. One year ago I was laying in a hospital bed amazed that I was still alive.

I am thankful for good friends. Friends I can call, email, text, vent to, get giddy with, speak my mind to, and cry to and with. You know who you all are, and I love each one of you!

I am thankful that my missionary son has not gone weird or lost his sense of humor. One of his latest pictures (not posted) reminds me what a kick in the pants he is and I am glad to see he's "still got it".

I'm thankful for modern technology. What did people do before they invented glasses? For crying out loud!

What are you Thankful for today?


  1. I have never seen or heard you cry.

    I demand it.

  2. Lots to be thankful for Melissa. I am so glad you are healthy and wealthy.

    I am thankful for tape right now.

  3. I am thankful my roots got done today.

  4. Keeping a sense of humor on a mission is pretty much a must I think! And I've never thought of that...but dang I'd be so lost without my reading glasses....I COULDN'T BLOG!!!

  5. What happened to you a year ago???


Lay it on me....