Wednesday, February 18, 2009

If it's Wednesday, then I'm wondering WHY?

Splenda Daddy and I have been married for almost 25 years.(!) We have lived very prudently. We are have gone without, scrimped, saved, and gotten by. We've enjoyed life, and done fun things together and with our family, but have stayed out of debt. We tried hard to build a nice retirement fund. We aren't complete frugal tightwads, but we aren't extravagant. At our current payment plan we only have about 3 years left and our "starter" home (that we are STILL in) will be paid for. We have built up a nice savings account. We have followed the rules, obeyed council from our religious leaders and basically just tried to be fiscally responsible people. Yet, look what has happened. Look at the economics of our country. What is going to happen to people like us? WHY am I going to be forced to help all those people who CHOSE NOT to be fiscally responsible. WHY do I have to help those people who felt greedy and got into homes WAY OVER THEIR HEADS and "bail them out". WHY do I have to be a part of a plan to assist those corporate CEO's who thought of no one but themselves and their greed. While I sit in my tiny, little cracker box house, in a neighborhood that is deteriorating, WHY do others, who I AM NOW FORCED TO HELP, get to stay in their current huge, beautiful homes with lovely landscaped yards, in upscale neighborhoods that they couldn't afford in the first place? WHY, if the country is hurting so bad, are the politicians not taking pay cuts to show their support of fiscal responsibility? WHY are the CEO's who took government money for relief purposes and DIDN'T follow through NOT GOING TO JAIL? For that matter, WHY aren't' the congressmen, senators and other business leaders who are responsible for this mess NOT GOING TO JAIL? I'm really wondering WHEN will this end so I can sell and get a new home? A nicer one in a nicer neighborhood. One that I can afford. Just frustrating.......

And finally even more importantly - WHY does the combination for chocolate and peanut butter need to be so good? Really. It should be a sin!

What are you wondering about?


  1. Oooo that chocolate and peanut butter one is a toughy.

    I wish I knew the answer.

  2. I am boycotting wondering right now. It hurts my head lately. But a good Reeses can cure about anything.

  3. Amen to all of it! The regular joe is getting the SHAFT!

  4. very good questions! unfortunately, i do not have the answers.

    why do i want to eat every minute of the day?

    why did i sign up for woman of steel with no desire, whatsoever to train?
    why? why? why?

  5. i am back, with the answer to your question...
    because this country voted in Obama, a socialists in every way, as their president with a far left progressive congress.

    there's your answer.

  6. just wanted to let you know i'm eating reeces peices right now.

    i don't feel guilty.

  7. I've got no answers for you. I'm still wondering exactly why we need a train to go from Vegas to Disneyland and how that's going to stimulate the economy??

  8. AMEN, sister!

    Maybe this is why...deep down inside...I'd rather live in a cottage in Ireland.


Lay it on me....