Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Craziness, I mean FUN!

Whew! What a day!!
Really, they don't get much busier than this one! But oh, the fun!
Started early at the butt-crack of dawn. Translation - 6:00am. Quick run outside in the hazy, red alert air. Should have had a gas mask on! Then to the gym for a 90 minute lifting session with the Princess of Pain. Oy Vay! Did she ever BRING IT today! I think that by tomorrow, my entire body will be screaming in pain.
Then it was run home, grab Jordan and drop her off at the goomer's. Then run to the church and watch the Tuffster tear it up on the basketball court. Gotta love church ball right? Our priest's team is seriously VERY good for a church ball team. Doesn't hurt that Splenda Daddy's the coach (he's the lucky sucker that is YM pres). At least all 12 boys get rotated in regularly. Then race back home, shower, and hit the grocery shopping - UGGHHH! Grocery shopping = Wal-Mart and we all know how I feel about Wal-mart. I looked for my new Wal-Mart BFF Kira to check me out, but no such luck. Stuck with Mr/Ms. Lesbian with the 'stache.
Then back to pick up Jordy.
Does this lame bandanna make my butt look big?

Once home, change into dress, grab temple bag, Splenda Daddy, and get picked up by the Blands. One of Lukie's besties is going to Australia on his mission in a few weeks, so he was going to the temple for the first time today. This is one of "my boys" and I wouldn't have missed this for the world! And, for a real treat, it was at the Salt Lake Temple. Love it!
l-r Splenda Daddy, me, Griffin, Debbie, Scott

After our De-light-ful time with our dear's at the Temple, we grabbed a few more Bland kids and headed for dinner.
Discovered a new little chinese place in West Jordan called Enjoy TOTALLY my new favorite Chinese place. They have this Tangerine Lemon Peppered chicken that is TO DIE FOR!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmm
l-r Scott, Debs, Whit, Dev, Kristin (Griff's GF), Griff, me, Splenda Daddy

WOW........Thank goodness now the day is winding down and I can catch my breath. I dread to see how many items are in my reader. I'm totally gonna catch up I promise. I've made all these new blogging friends, but now they are going to think I am ignoring them because I am behind on the reader. Really. I'm gonna get to it. I promise. In fact, I will probably be up late tonight doing said catch up since I am waiting for Tuffy to come home from his first date. Yes, his FIRST DATE EVER!! Can't wait to hear how it went. I hope my little blue pill that makes me sleep ever so wonderful will hold off until he gets home......


  1. Sounds like a great day! And I'll have to try that Chinese food place. I've never even heard of it.

  2. I love that cute little picture! That's too funny! And what a DAY! I don't know if I would have held up that long!
    I love the comment about the doggie...does this bandana make my butt look big? LOL LOL LOL

  3. Sounds like a busy but perfect day!

  4. Adding the chinese place to the list. We went to Sampan last night...

    Oh and on a sidenote - the bandana totally accentuates the hips.


Lay it on me....