Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've been hit!!

The FUN-derful CJ the Purple Diva has tagged me! How fun! I love being tagged!
So... here's how it goes......
1. Go to your documents/pictures
2. Go to your 6th file
3. Go to the 6th picture
4. Blog about it
5. Tag 6 other friends
6. Smile! Here is my 6th in 6th.....
why is the picture sideways???!!! It wasn't when I downloaded it! FREAK! Crane your neck, it's worth it.

This picture was taken 12/28/08 by the Splenda Daddy, Poppa to her. It's our darling little chunchie Chloee Belle. Poppa had her giggling like crazy! Seriously, this baby girl, who I guess should now be referred to as a toddler, has us all just wrapped around her pinky. She is our puppet master! She makes our world go 'round!

So now, the tagging begins!
4.Karen (who needs to blog more)
5. Sher
6. Nikki

So hard to choose just 6! Lame rule! I want to hear from everyone.......


  1. WOW, that's awesome! You've already done this! You rock 'da house!
    Thanks for the sweet comment too! ♥

  2. Ok. I'll take the challenge. You'll have to check out my pic. ha ha ha

  3. I will try to play this little bad boy tomorrow...

  4. She's in heaven, you can tell becasue she is grinning from ear to ear!

  5. BTW - Thanks for your great comment on my blog!! Loved it.

  6. I can only imagine the fun she brings to your life. Where can I get me one?

  7. I'm new to this blogging thing and would love to be tagged!

    BTW, I did crank my neck to look at the picture and it was worth it! Adorable!

  8. Yeah it's worth twisting your neck all up...she's such a cutie. THANKS for tagging me! Makes me feel warm and fuzzy that you thought of me!

  9. What, posting 5 times yesterday isn't enough for you? Some people are SOOOO hard to please!!!!


  10. Fun! I've done this one before, but what the heck I'll do it again, because I think last time it was a different #, and it might turn out to be a different picture!


Lay it on me....