Sunday, December 7, 2008

Slacker, I mean, Spiritual Sunday

Another Sunday, another day of guilt. No, not every week is guilt filled, that would be misleading, but this particular one is yes, full of guilt.
It was Stake Conference this weekend. First of all, Dave didn't go to Priesthood Leadership meeting Saturday afternoon, then we missed the adult session Saturday night, and then, crap-a-doodle - missed this morning's general session!
For the record, our intent was very sincere and genuine. Heck, the stake presidency had even asked that we all read the entire conference edition prior to our conference and I busted tail to get ALMOST all the way through, just a couple of talks left. I was actually looking FORWARD to conference. And then what happened? Let's just say, I spend the ENTIRE night up with either a crying baby or whining puppies. I am NOT exaggerating when I say that I, MAYBE, got two hours sleep total and not even together. Well, Chloee finally conked out for a decent span of time VERY EARLY this morning, so I finally got to sleep. By the time I woke up, it was 10:00am and too late to hit conference.
I felt really, really bad, but since I also felt really, really tired still, I somehow justified myself into being okay with it all. Instead stumbled to the kitchen for breakfast of left-over pumpkin dessert.

Then, all too soon, had to quickly get ready for a jaunt up north to Farr West for nephew Jacob's big day. He turned 12, and that's a HUGE deal in our church. At 12 years of age, the young men, if worthy, get ordained to the priesthood. He had called Dave earlier in the week and asked him to please participate in the ordination circle and then join the rest of the family for dinner at the house.
What was really cool, was that they also invited Tuffy since he is a priest, to join the circle. It was his first time ever participating in such an ordinance. VERY COOL!

l-r Tuffy, Jake, Dave and Chloee in arms.

We did take the time on the drive up and back to listen to the Glenn Beck conversion story.

It made the drive nice and we felt like we got a spiritual lift out of the day after all.

1 comment:

  1. Love me some Glenn Beck. LOVE his conversion story - it is almost as good as mine... ;)

    Glad you had some religious action today :)


Lay it on me....