Saturday, December 8, 2012

St Thomas Day 7 - Magen's Bay and the Last Supper

What a perfect Friday. The perfect kind of day to end the week with.  Nothing but sheer relaxation.

At 9:30, a taxi driver picked us up from the hotel and drove us to Magan's Bay.  Another beach on a different part of the island.  We got there, got some chairs set up, found a spot with shade and a little sun for me and plopped ourselves down.

The rest of the day was spent watching Pelican's divebomb in the water, fishing jumping out the water, sunning, playing in the sand, wading in the water and in general doing absolutely nothing but decompressing.
Our day in pictures:

(hard to see, but that ripple out there is masses of fish jumping in and out of the water)

At 3:30, we met back up with our taxi driver who was named K9 John.  He is well known all over the island.  Former cop, and big wig in law enforcement.  Very cool man!

Part of the tour package is a stop at Udderly Delight.  They specialize in making "adult" milkshakes.  But you could order these virgin as well

Back at the hotel we cleaned up, rested a bit and then made our way to the fancy restaurant on the property for our last big meal here.
I had this amazing peppercorn crusted filet

Splenda some amazingly spiced chicken

And we shared Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce

Too soon, we were done and saying goodbye to the last cruise ship as it left the harbor.  A sign that all good vacations must come to an end :(

There isn't one thing I would change about our week here.  It was perfectly balanced.  We love the friends we were with.  The scenery was spectacular.  The weather - amazing.

The only thing I think I could add would be for all my kids and Chloee to be here to enjoy it with us!


  1. soaking up every last minute of it all!

  2. Your pictures made me crazy with desire for a warm beach with blue water. Next year for sure! And I'm pretty sure we'd be friends. You and Splenda match up perfectly with my love for a good fillet and L's love for a good piece of chicken. What a great vacation!

  3. I am swoooning over all of this.I love the writing in the sand.
    How fun to share it with your friends...and YES, family would have made it all that more special.
    The beaches look so beautiful
    I can ...if I close my eyes and think real hard...I can smell those salty breezes.

  4. Wow, perfecton I'd say. What a fab vacation

  5. What a cool vacay! Loved reading all of your posts. So cool that you got to swim and touch the turtles! The food looks FAB! We just got back from a week in Lake Havasu, AZ...and I'm so missing the warm weather. It was in the low 80's and high 70's the entire week!


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