Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dear TSA

Does this man LOOK like a terrorist?
Poor guy removes his belt, empties his pockets sans a pack of forgotten chewing gum.

He stepped into the scanner and was told to raise his arms, he spread his legs a little bit to keep his pants from slipping down, and THEN YOU TOLD HIM TO PUT HIS FEET TOGETHER!!

You began the pat and................


Those britches fell right down and the poor man was left standing in his skivvies.

And that my friends, is our tax dollars at work.  Protecting the masses from wise, kind, elderly gentlemen who like to carry gum.

I am all for profiling.  Bring it.


  1. I can' t stop laughing! Yet it seems so disrespectful hahaha!

  2. So lame!!! I have so many TSA FAIL stories. I am fine with profiling too.

  3. Yes to profiling. Seriously. So sorry about the britches and the undies. No common sense, the TSA.

  4. Profiling is the only thing that makes sense. Otherwise, our enemies are just laughing at us!
    If you are Muslim or of eastern Indian descent, please be angry at those who tainted your good name. Please don't blame the victims of the war that was brought to the U.S. on 9/11. We just want to root out the bad guys to protect our loved ones!

  5. I would be laughing if it weren't so stinkin' pathetic!

  6. That's terrible! Shame on them for putting that man through that! I agree with you. What we are doing is NOT working! Unbelievable!

  7. That's not right! But then, terrorists may pose as LDS Missionaries! You just never know!

  8. When Romney is in charge of these lame Gov. policies, regulations and the such...I hope the TSA is high on his list of reforming!

    Profiling, just like they do in Israel...is the realistic, successful way to go!

  9. So incredibly lame!
    Poor John.

  10. Boo on the TSA!!!! I don't think I could stand to have some other persons hands patting all over me...I'd loose it for sure! And if my pants fell down...I'd need some serious therapy!

  11. I agree! I have to travel for work and the huge Atlanta airport still has many "old fashioned" detectors so I choose the line for those but in other cities they only have the new scanners and I wint go thru them. Years ago they x[-rayed kids' feet at the shoe store till we knew better. So I ask for the pat down and they make a big deal about how long I have to wait to get a female agent over, blah blah blah. It is ridiculous. Then on the huge atlanta tarmac they have disclosed that no one is watching the food trucks with all the stuff they put on the plane. I am really outraged that politicians dont make more of a stink about this.


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