Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for an AWESOME facebook status that I saw yesterday:

If you didn't hear it with your own ears or see it with your own eyes, then don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.

'nuff said

PS - My close friend is feeling crappy and having some health issues - if you're the praying kind - can you offer one or two for a stranger that needs them?  He, his wife, and I will be most grateful!!

PSS - thank you Mel xoxoxo !


  1. Gossip has been on my mind lately. Great quote... fits right in with my thoughts.

    Prayers for your friend!!

  2. That is definately true wisdom!!

    Sorry about your friend - prayers going up!!

    Love ya

  3. That is definately true wisdom!!

    Sorry about your friend - prayers going up!!

    Love ya

  4. That is definately true wisdom!!

    Sorry about your friend - prayers going up!!

    Love ya

  5. That is a good one!

    Praying for your friend. {{hugs}}

  6. That is a good one.

    So sorry about your friend. Sending prayers and love.

  7. I try really hard not to gossip. It just makes me feel bad and all scrunchy inside.

  8. That quote lives true each day with everything. SO many people are willing to make things up and let their imagination run wild.

  9. Great quote! Might have to borrow and share it!

    Sending prayers!!

  10. I just 'pinned' this one this week that I really love -

    Four Things you Can't Recover -
    The Stone after the throw,
    The Word after it's said,
    The Occasion after it's missed,
    the Time after it's gone.

    Gives you somethin' to think about :)


  11. Great quote! Hope everything works out for your friend.

  12. ahhh! love that quote. so true.

    Prayers are coming for your friend.


Lay it on me....