Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

I guess it's a little known fact that I do a lot of races throughout the season.  And every event you do, you get a shirt.  Some events give better shirts than others, but I never seem to wear them very often nor do I use them to work out in on a regular basis.

A couple of years ago, I hired Martha's Mom - a professional quilter - to make a quilt out of my shirts.
It was pretty awesome!  But, it was a huge project and she is a busy lady so I knew I needed to find someone a little closer to home and with a little more time to do the rest of my quilts.

I have been just hanging on to my 2009 and 2010 race shirts.  Bagged, just hanging out taking up space.  One night I got a wild hair and just posted on Facebook asking if anyone quilted and wanted to earn extra money.

Within minutes, one of my young women commented and said she does and she did.  YIPPEE!!

When I tried to find my 2009 bag, I couldn't but I grabbed my 2010 bag and toddled over with my shirts.  I love to see what ideas others come up with so when it comes to my quilts I really have to preference at all.  I love whatever anyone wants to do with them.  I showed her and her parents my shirts.  They asked if I had a special one that they could put in the center of the quilt.  That special one was my marathon shirt.  My first ever Marathon.  Yeah - it needed to be the focal point.

I left my shirts, told her to keep track of cost and time, and then she would tell me how much I owed her when she was done.

Every now and then she would mention her progess, but I really wasn't worried. She is a remarkable young lady with immense talent and is extremely conscientious and responsible so I just didn't give it too much thought other than excited to see what she came up with from her own creative juices.

Today, I got the message that she was DONE!!  And better, could she bring it over!!

(Tera Ann and her daddy Jim)

(I jumped in there - if I had showered, I might have smothered Tera in smoochies!)

(do you see the pillow? THAT'S MY MARATHON SHIRT!! - She made a PILLOW out of it!!)

I seriously SERIOUSLY LOVE it!

Tera Ann - you did an AMAZING job!  I bow to your creative genius!  And to Jim and Em - thanks for supporting her and letting her do this.

I think I even got a 'yes' to do my 2009 shirts now that I found the bag  : )


  1. I seriously can't get over how awesome this is.

    BTW: Catmull + Bland in Vegas... I'm in like sin.


    You might have started a trend.
    What a sweetheart.

    Uh, you've done a few races.
    I am ashamed in your presence.

  3. Those are only your 2010 shirts?

    She did an amazing job. And it looks like her dad has taken the course from Vanessa on how to strike a pose for the camera.

  4. Could she make something with all the knick-knacks I get from students each year? That way I could curl up with it just like your quilt.

  5. That is simply fantastic! She is a very talented young lady!

  6. super cute!
    made with love--that's the best.
    looks so soft and comfy.

  7. It's even more special that one of your youth mad it! Awesome.

  8. Luv it.. I have been making t-shirt and sweat shirt quilts for years. These are my kids favorite quilts.

    I put trips, sports and you name it on mine. I mix up the tees and sweat shirts together. It all works.

    I love that you have so many just from racing.

    What a sweetheart for doing that for you.

  9. Luv it.. I have been making t-shirt and sweat shirt quilts for years. These are my kids favorite quilts.

    I put trips, sports and you name it on mine. I mix up the tees and sweat shirts together. It all works.

    I love that you have so many just from racing.

    What a sweetheart for doing that for you.

  10. Wow! She did a good job that is a big project!
    I also cannot get over how many race shirts you have - Very cool!

  11. What a wonderful and creative way to keep the memories from your races! LOVE IT! Love that pillow too! What a talented young lady! =)

    I wonder...will you dream of running when you sleep beneath it? =)

  12. I love this idea. I've had some race T-shirts that I've really liked and others that were kind of ugly. This would be a great way to remember all your races without cluttering up your closet. I didn't realize you were such an avid runner.

  13. its great that you saved the shirts. A memory quilt like that is awesome.

  14. What a fine momento of your hard work. Also, I do not know how to spell mommento.

    I have all my shirts from races, but I have not yet washed them. I like to keep the sweat on them as I can to help my wife remember how awesome I am. I should make her a quilt out of them all.

  15. This is just too awesome!! LOVE!!!


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