Sunday, March 6, 2011

Things I love and that make me smile.......

Most everyone in my life knows what a downer things have been for the past several months.  Things are either stressful, sad, mean, or a combination of both.

The last couple of days, I have been determined to take myself out of the funk.  D.E.T.E.R.M.I.N.E.D!

I've had to do some serious mental exercises to change my thought patterns from anxious, negative thoughts to positive, uplifting imagery.

Things like this:
I know he needs to be a grown up - but I miss not seeing him every day

I love that she LOVES him and he LOVES her.  They are over the MOON for each other - and that makes me so happy

I love that they just jump in and help.  They have such a cute and sweet relationship.  Wedding later this year?  Prolly

She loves her Uncle Luka - nothing like cuddly in a blankie and falling asleep in safe arms.

I love that her birthday is in a few weeks and she is going to have a swimming party!

I love Sunday dresses

I love that she and Karalee ADORE each other!

I love her pure, unprovoked smiles and happiness

I love that she HATES cheese cake - this had to be spit out onto a plate (tee hee)

I love going to an art exhibit with some women that I should know better, but didn't and came home feeling like I had a new group of besties

Most of all, I love someone who can laugh at herself.

I need some lessons from her.
I think I will begin.........NOW


  1. You are sounding more like yourself! It's time to be happy again.

    Cissy looks so happy. I think Luka needs to move back in. You can tell that boy loves his Mama.

  2. I will eat the cheesecake for Sissy and you whenever you need me to.

    I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Here's hoping it continues.

  3. I think you are naturally a happy soul, so the downers are especially bad. I think that about me as well. Today I felt down....ugghhh, hate it. Glad you've got family and love, friends and sweet little sissy to remind you of those lessons!

  4. This post made me physically smile.
    Loved it.
    way to be!

  5. Beautiful post!

    The cheesecake photo cracked me up! =D

    Keep on Smiling!

  6. Onward and upward. It can only get better, right? (fingers crossed!)

  7. Good for you, I know it can't be easy. Wedding talk and chesecake, Sissy can give me her slice anytime.

  8. You really are blessed in so many ways!!! I am excited for a possible wedding with that darling Montana. Positive thinking will get you through all this!


Lay it on me....