Sunday, December 5, 2010

Servicemen Sunday - A kind spot light on the 'dawg

My boy was spotlighted today!!

Go check it out on Mommysnark's place - I will be forever grateful for her post today and all the kind comments. 

Got bad news late last week - more to come tomorrow on it, but now - go check out Servicemen Sunday


  1. I already read mommysnarks post.
    It made me so proud of Corbin and all the military!
    You should be so proud!

    How 'bout if you don't have any bad news K? Haven't you had just about enough this year?

    Love yer guts!

  2. Beautiful post. I can see why you are so proud! Waiting for the next post....think positive!

  3. That was so nice of her. What a great post.

    Boo for bad news!

  4. Very nice post!
    Hope the bad news in not too bad news...


Lay it on me....