Friday, September 24, 2010

Funny Bone Friday - Things I may have heard, or said, or just thought in my head

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard.  That would be like me legally changing my name to Milkshake-sha-nay-nay

If by 'girl talk', you mean Dad and I having a serious conversation right now, then yes, we are having girl talk.

I knew if anyone would show up dressed like a hoochie at the temple, it would be my friend Melissa.

Dude.  There is something dead in your gut and it ain't a rose bush.

Tuffy:  "You know, those short crazy people"
Luka:  "We call those midgets bro"

Stop being a nagging Nancy

She's wailing like a cat in heat. 


  1. Well, I guess you had an interesting week if you were wailing like a cat in heat.

  2. Are we not supposed to show up at the temple dressed like a hoochie? Because I'm gonna have to get a whole new wardrobe if that's the case.

  3. LOL! I have something in my gut like that...

  4. It was really good to read the post and It was fun to go through it. I think that your idea is a bit crazy but its fun trying out new crazy ideas as they will give some new experience to you.


Lay it on me....