Sunday, July 25, 2010

USMC - Reporting for duty - Goodbye's part I

'dawg enlisted on March 16, 2010 (his daughter's birthday).  At that time he was given a delayed deployment and it was scheduled for November.

Life comes at you fast.  A couple of weeks ago, he got word that his time had been moved up.  He would report to MEPS July 26th, as a back up.  If he didn't leave that day, he was going to the week after.

(yeah he shaved his own head.  Tuffy aided and abetted.  Sissy told him he was "weird")

Early last week, it appeared that was all changing.  Each day seemed to be another piece of information that was sending him sooner.  by Thursday night/Friday morning - it was a sure deal.  In fact, the poor kid spent all of Thursday and Friday chasing down paperwork, getting signatures, notary public name it, he had to get it taken care of.

He spent the day Thursday with his darling daughter.  She tagged along as he got most of his errands done. Friday wasn't much different.  Saturday evening we had all the family members we could gather come hang out, eat some treats and say goodbye. 

(like father - like daughter)

His friends had given him a big party a couple of weeks ago, since we knew the time was coming up, so we reserved Saturday night just for family and friends that are practically like family : )

Lot's of chatting, eating, hanging out, admiring each others car's, taking pictures and most of all LAUGHING!
I think the last person left about 1am.

Grandma Sue, Tayvree, Grandpa John, Kelsie, Splenda, Trevor)

(mi Sobrina, Mindi, Chet, and 'dawgs hands)

(could everyone stop screwing around long enough for a pic?)

(for reals - stop screwing around)

(who knew we'd have a black kid in the family picture before we had a democrat!)

(Sissy loving her cousins)

I am so thankful for everyone who took the time on the holiday to come and show the 'dawg some support. It meant a lot to him, and it meant the world to me. 

It made the weekend perfect having Sissy all weekend and then all the family to come spend time.

(she'll grab any shoes handy)

(we even managed a nap - "mimi, i need to snuggwo)

(loving her Unco Wook)

Tonight (Sunday), we dropped him off at the West Valley Recruiting Station, where he checked in.  He, with several other recruits were transported to a local hotel for the night.  He will be studying his general orders and trying to get some sleep and then will be reporting to MEPS first thing tomorrow morning.  We will get a chance to see him sworn in again, and a last goodbye.

Luka won't be able to be at MEPS in the morning so he got his good bye hug in tonight

Reality is sinking in. 

Semper Fi and Oorah


  1. M-Cat,

    I am bawling after reading your blog. It has been two weeks and I am still raw. I have felt everything that you are going through. I know today will seem like a long day; but treasure it!

    It seems like the military takes them all early (understandable). Be prepared. It has been two weeks and we have heard nothing. When I get down, I try to remember that this will be good for our son. But as parents; we can't pick up the pieces for our kids anymore. They are on their own. Accepting that, has been the hardest thing we have been through. We truely have had to live and let go.

    My heart goes out to you. I will be thinking of you today. If you ever want to talk, my email is:

    God bless,


  2. Wow! I am thinking of you today! What a bunch of cute yayhoos! Looks like you had a great time.

    I promise you, you will never look at the flag or a man in uniform the same way ever again. (I have a military son that served in Iraq)

    I'm proud of that handsome man!
    Give him a hug from all of us!

  3. Wow. That came really fast. I remember each time my sister's husband left. You're proud of them, you're worried about them, you don't want them to leave, you want them to hurry and go so they can come many conflicting emotions. And G of E is right, you'll always look at men and women in uniforms differently from now on.

  4. i can not believe how i knew it was coming and yet i still am tearing up. I am not even there. I am sending hugs and kisses all this way because I know you are going to need them.

  5. I think it's Awe-Some! He'll make a fantastic Marine.

  6. Sad and Exciting all wrapped up together...

  7. Being a mom never gets easier, does it? Hugs to you, and thanks to your son. You're both amazing.

  8. so wonderful for all the family support.

    that pic of the back of he and sissy....chills.

  9. LOL" before we had a democrat". You are hilarious. I am happy/proud/sad of your son after reading this. God bless him and his family. I'm so grateful for people like him and his family.

  10. WoW! I am praying for your son and all of your family! All of you are so brave!

  11. M this is big! Reality...I am so glad to see that so many family and friends were able to be together to laugh and talk and give him a big send off. That is so nice - so much GREAT support!
    The picture of father and daughter at the table got me right in the heart, it is SO sweet!!
    Congratulations Mom on raising a wonderful son!

  12. (Commenting on the post you turned off comments on.)

    Unfortunately, that is the epitome of life with the US military. Hurry up and wait.

    Sorry that you're on an emotional roller coaster at the same time. :o(

  13. I heart your son for being so willing to go and serve! Your family is amazing!
    And UGH! on your last post. That down-right sucks. *sigh* I hope all goes well without a hitch next time!

  14. Sorry to hear about all the bureaucratic BS you've had to deal with lately -- You've got a top notch son!!

  15. If I had known there was going to be a family photo I would have stuck around longer.

    Just for posterity.

    And cinnamon bears.


Lay it on me....