Thursday, June 24, 2010

Well, HELLOooooooo Handsome!

First off - HUGE shout out to my Splenda Daddy!  In fact, I think he deserves the full on Sugar Daddy title for awhile

He made all this happen:

Notice my lei hanging from the rear view mirror?  I wanted it there, but after driving with it, realized that the cooper's windshield is just too small. 

I love him, I love him, I love him!! 
Oh, and Splenda is pretty cool too.....

Now, I need to name him - ideas?


  1. That is freakin awesome!! Guess you'll have to figure out it's gangsta name - ha ha!
    Congrats it's a beaut!!

  2. ooooooohhhh, Way to go Splenda!!! Congrats my friend she/he is fabulous!! Not good at naming cars. I can always think of few choice words to call them when they break down, but that's all I got.

  3. How awesome!! Love the color!!

  4. Let me name him...

    I gotta think this one through

  5. taps fingers... waits for the other shoe to drop....


  6. Now you need to drive thru the streets of Italy w/Mark Wahlberg.

  7. yes - very nice! Love Vanessa's comment - it's my fav movie :)


  8. You got it, you got it!! Yay!!

    As for a name, it looks like a "blue bullet" to me!

  9. Stopping on over from Chief's to tell you how damn cute that car is!! What did you have to do to get it?? Cuz I want one...only I want mine in lime green.....

  10. I'm sure the two of you will be very happy. Add me to the Splenda fan club.

  11. "Mini-me"
    "Sugarbaby" (in honor of Splenda Daddy)
    "Road Rocket"

  12. My vote is for Frankie.

    Can't wait to go for a ride in it today. :)

    It's giving me the new car fever, but of course I've had the new car fever for about 6 months now.

  13. Oh my heck - that is the sweetest ever! Congratulations! Sugar Daddy is da bomb!!

  14. i was waiting to see the post and then missed it yesterday. Darn it. I think that the name will come to you just like that little ones that you have. Ride him for a while and then you will know.

    or you could use the word verification that I just got...mangendi

  15. What a good husband! You have trained him well.

    My vote is for The Smurf or Smurfette. I'd probably end up calling it "The Coop."

  16. so exciting.
    love that new car smell!

    i can totally see you in this cooper, zipping through town.

    baby blue.

  17. This is much harder than it looks.

    I know it's ridiculous but the name Bunny comes to mind.

    And Monster.

  18. According to the Gangsta Name Generator it should be called

    Butt-Jugglin Tang Chasa

  19. What a cute car - love the color! Name? hmmmmmm - have to think about that for a while...


Lay it on me....