Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Question of the Day.....

I need some input.  I think I have made my decision, but I would like a sounding board.

I am an advocate and supporter of the Susan G Komen  for the Cure fundraising group.  I donate often and every year, I participate in the local Race for the Cure.  It is going to happen on Saturday and Splenda and 'dawg are going to join me.
I have always felt strongly about breast cancer research and even more so because of her.

I run for her.  I run for every other woman who has to deal with this ugly disease and I run for myself.  Always hoping to build up some good karma so I might escape it.  It's about saving the ta-ta's.

Yesterday, it was brought to my attention that the Susan G Komen foundation donates money to Planned Parenthood.   We all understand Planned Parenthood right?  We understand their mission and what procedures they do, correct?  While I think they provide valuable services in the form of education and birth control to underprivileged women, I am outraged at the abortion side of it all.
My dilemma.......

I am vehemently opposed to abortion.  Of course there are circumstances that warrant it, however, in general for 99% of the cases, I am adamantly against it.  And ESPECIALLY as a means of birth control which unfortunately are happening more and more and Planned Parenthood is the primary resource for it.

I am struggling supporting a group (Komen) that in turns supports PP. 
But am I too hasty?  Am I "cutting off my nose to spite my face"?  Komen does so many good things that do I over look this?  As a side note, I couldn't find where they ever donated to a UT Planned Parenthood, but they are donating primarily in Texas.

Of course, I will run Saturday, I've already paid my money.  Part of me thinks this is trivial and the greater good lies in supporting Komen.  A small part of me is questioning.



  1. I don't know. Good question though. Have fun at the race!

  2. My question is why isn't all their fundraising effort being poured into finding a cure for breast cancer? Wouldn't the cure come faster?

    Is there an organization that does contribute all their funds to research?

    Good luck with the race.

  3. thoughts...yes!

    If you are pro-life and as firmly opposed to abortion as you say, then i would strongly advise, after finding out this information, never donate again!
    i would suggest priests for life, instead.

    money talks- if you donate then it speaks for you, your values, your morals.

    yeah, i have pretty strong feelings about this one. no doubt about it.
    my dad was a huge pro-life man-he wore the 10week old fetus feet pin on his hat (which i now have) and he often stated during political elections of any kind- "i am a one issue voter, i vote for the most pro-life candidate in the race" and he did.
    he also donated to priests for life- even though we've never been catholic- they do much good!

  4. Fundraising should be entirely breast cancer research.
    Planned parenthood and all that goes along with that actually promotes breat cancer.

  5. I already paid my money and will see you on Saturday...but that is very interesting, and I don't know if I really like that bit of info.

  6. I honestly don't know what I would do. I'm kinda surprised that part of their funds go something other than breast cancer research.

    If you didn't support Susan G. Komen, what would you support? I personally would consider pulling funding from them, but only if I had another breast cancer awareness/prevention fund to put it in.

    Good luck and have fun on Saturday!

  7. I agree with everyone else - why aren't they strictly donating their funds to breast cancer research? That is the cause they advertise for, so what's the deal? Maybe you should get on their website and ask...

  8. I am not comfortable stating my opinion in this venue. I do believe however that in your heart you will do the right thing. Is there One that you should be asking? Is it not Him that should be answering your questions? M-Cat, a woman like you will always do what is for the best regardless.

  9. Good question.
    Good responses.
    Follow your heart.

  10. I think you will make the right decision tha tis right for you.

    I will forever be thankful for the help I received from Planned Parenthood. PP, like individual people have good and bad qualities.

  11. Oooo that is interesting information. I really don't know what I would do. But I don't really raise money for them - but I would do the walk - to support you :)

  12. I say go with your gut. If you don't want to support it, don't. I tend to agree with you. It's sad that there always has to be a bit of bad mixed in with the good in life. I guess that is Satan's way though, eh?

  13. i've thought about this all day and don't know what i would do. i too am suprised that their money doesn't go 100% to breast cancer research. perhap pp in texas has a big breast cancer prevention program? but, regardless, good luck on your run!!

  14. This is interesting information. I am walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-day for the Cure in September and am a little disturbed by this. I think I need to check it out.

  15. I found a letter from Komen talking about the money they give to planned parenthood. It helped ease my mind a little bit.

  16. This isn't the only organization that does things like this. The national PTA - to which a big chunk of your local dues are funnelled - sponsor programs like "Act Up", a gay and lesbian awareness group that takes their message to middle and high schools.

    When I learned about this, I stopped joining the PTA. I always found ways to donate my money and time to benefit the school; I just walked away from the NPTA.

    Do the run, if you want. And if you want to donate to breast cancer research, look up organizations that are dedicated just to that. Do what you're doing now: Dig deep, get some answers, and then make your donations accordingly.

    In fact, if you found such an organization, why not offer to do a little 'grass roots' run where all the proceeds went to your new-found charity. The Komen folks may be the biggest players on the field, but they aren't the ONLY players out there. Find one that fits.


Lay it on me....