Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tickle Me Pink Tuesday - round 2 - Alphabet Soup

Ooh ooh ooh!  Guess WHAT?!?!?!
Winning Kado's giveaway and SIL's new book out has inspired a give away of my own!

I just read her book on Sunday.  I laughed out loud!  Her wit and humor is to die for and it was especially fun for me to remember specific circumstances that were included.  It's a light, short, easy read -  I busted it out in one day with a sick Sissy and all.
The anecdotes, the lessons learned and her wisdom shared helps to inject some fun and laughter in this whole business of being a Mom.  Who knows, you might even get a good idea from it too!

How to enter:
Easy peasy lemon squeezie.  For reals.  Leave a comment on this post.  Sunday morning, comments will be turned off, and an entry for each comment will be entered.  Into the candybowl they will go and Splenda will be blindfolded, spun around 3 times and asked to pick a name out of the bunch. 

I'll prolly throw an extra sumpin sumpin in too so get to leaving a comment!

PS - If you live in the SL valley - don't forget her book signing on 2/6 from 11- 4 at the WV Costco!


  1. I wanna win!!!!!!!

    That Is All :D

  2. "winner winner chicken dinner"

    hahahah, love it!

  3. Pick me.............cuz I'm glittery.

  4. Oh yummy, I love reading, I love books. Oh, and the smell of a new book makes me craaaaazy:)

  5. I'll bite. I'm generally a fan of soups.

  6. Is this the same SIL that has the "boot camp" blog? Oh pleeze pick me! I would love to read that little book! She is SO funny!

  7. So if I leave more comments, I get more entries?

  8. Have I ever told you how much I love you?

  9. I'm in. And I obviously haven't been here for a while because I just noticed the header. I can tell something's different, but I'm not sure what.
    Wish me luck!

  10. I love the cover! If I saw this in a store, I would totally pick it up.

    Also, how come no one ever comes to New England to do book signings??? Hmmmm.

  11. I could use a good read right about now. Pick me!

    Oh, and I just noticed your 3-some button on the side bar. snort!

  12. What a cute book! And being as how I live in the middle of freakin' nowhere, and there isn't a bookstore in sight, I would really love to win this.

  13. pck #20 Splenda, peek-a-boo pick me and don't spew...try not to spin him too hard M-Cat, i don't want him puking in the bowl.

  14. Dear M,

    you are the best book pimp in the world--please don't pick me. I've already read it!

  15. I got a copy! Can't wait to read it.

  16. i would Love to read this book!

    ...oh and I think you kind-a owe me now...right?! =)

  17. How is it that this is the one post I forgot to leave a comment on ???

    I'd love to get this book ...

    Hoping, hoping, I get picked.


Lay it on me....