Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday Wrandom Wrambling's

It's Wednesday again and a whole lot of crapola rambling around in my head which, by the way hurts.

What's up with that? I can see having a headache at the end of the day from stress or eye strain or something like that. But to WAKE UP with one? Every day? Some day's it's not too bad, and once I get moving around, it goes away. Other days, I can't even move my head for a little bit. WTC! I prolly should google it, and then self-diagnose and self-treat. Yeah, that's the ticket.

It's cold. And yes, it's January, but it feels colder than normal. I don't know if it is or not, but it feels it. I can't wait to be able to retire down south. Hope Splenda will come with me : )

Been watching Sarah Palin on the Glenn Beck show. I saw her on O'Reilly the other night, and while I haven't been a HUGE fan of hers, I have been impressed with her Fox news circuit. I love the fact that a good part of the discussion was their believe in God, and of eternal ramifications of what happens in this life. I admire people who are not afraid to speak up about their beliefs. Even if they are different than mine, I enjoy the diversity and think we all have something to learn from each other.

I'm pretty astounded at the level of destruction in Haiti. Pretty much speechless. I just heard that the American Red Cross has already run out of medical supplies. I am glad to know that my church will jump in and offer aid. We have members there, no missionaries, but regardless of whether we did or not, my church would still give aid and assistance. I love that. I am also pleased that BO committed help from the US.

In less than 8 weeks I am going to be lying on a beach in Mexico. Words can't describe how excited I am for that. Muy Excited!! (pretty sure that is NOT a correct Spanish phrase - whatev)

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my YW? They are such good girls, trying their best to do good things and BE good. They are fun, energetic and a blast to be around. We have taken December off from activities and we started back up last week, and I really am just so excited to be with them. A bunch of daughters I never had.

I have GNO tomorrow night with some fun gals, and then dinner Saturday with some besties. I have much to look forward to this week.

And now, I better go google this head sitch. Get it fixed and on with the joy of life.


  1. Usually when I get a headache, which isn't often, I wake up with it. Boooo.

  2. Ditto.

    I will be landing in Hawaii in exactly one week. VACATION - It beats the hell out of Xanex. *smile*

  3. Oooo Girls Night Out sounds fun...

    So does dinner with besties!

    You are one lucky lady! ;)

  4. So it's cold there huh? Come visit!

  5. Josh and I went to Cancun on our honeymoon and it was WONDERFUL. I've been to my fair share of oceans all over the world, but the water was the most beautiful turquoisish blue I've ever seen, and the white sand beaches are just awesome. The water was also about body temperature, and warmer than the pool water. Just beware - the food prices there are horrendous - so if you're not at an all-inclusive place, you may want to smuggle some in, or waterbottles or something.

  6. So I just poked around a little bit and saw that you've already been to Cancun. A couple times. I feel like a dork. Haha.

  7. So much to comment on...

    I heard last night that it IS colder this year. Hasn't been this cold all over since 1986!

    Go ahead and self-diagnose, and google. I always do!

    I'd like to be laying on a beach 8 weeks from now! Hopefully I'll be walking normally 8 weeks from now (I have a broken ankle!)

    GNO! Have a great time!

  8. Are you clenching or grinding your teeth at night? Usually that's when I wake up with a headache and it won't go away without some really good drugs.

    Of course it's colder. We have all that global warming crap going on.

    Earthquakes scare me. Didn't UT just have a little one?

  9. how fun that your vacation is right around the corner! That'll make your headache go away for sure!!!

  10. I can't watch about Haiti. It is so sad, I just sit and cry.

  11. You HAVE to read Sarah Palin's book. Even if you are not a fan politically, (but I think you see eye to eye with her on many points) you will admire her gutsy, ballsy, and yes, a bit Rogue-ish attitude. And it's a waaaaaay better read than Twilight!
    And a vaca in a warm spot? LUCKY YOU!

  12. google and self diagnose? or maybe eye doctor? or...


Lay it on me....