Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tickle me pink Tuesday - Illustrated style

Things that are just 'tickling me pink' today:

Coming home from the office to a treat of brownie bites, skittles and the perfectly concocted CFDCWV.  I haven't felt well, and been in quite the funk, but SHE knew exactly what I needed!!

Blogger friends whose creativity knows no bounds.  A dinner celebration bodes prizes for everyone thanks to HER wonderfulness!  It now sits proudly on my desk at work and that bread in the background?  It may or may not have been the third loaf the server put in front of me.

My niece's husband (does that make him my nephew?).  Dude loves my Pumpkin dessert and when I finally got back to the house for dinner, I was so sad to see it was all gone.  He had however, saved himself one last piece.  Of course, he was kind enough to offer it to me, but I let him have it.  The next best thing?  Dude sneaks and takes a picture of it on my camera just to rub it in.  Just remember RH, what they say about paybacks!  : )

Sissy's ingenuity.  Left alone for a few brief moments in her room and look what happens. Baby Powder EVERYWHERE.  Now before you all start the lecturing about how dangerous it is if they breathe it in etc etc....  We got her cleaned up pretty quick, but not before snapping some pics.  Best Part?  Tuffy knows right away, to take extra pictures.  He knows how we roll around here!

What's tickling you pink today?


  1. I am so glad I was able to tickle you pink today - you were so darn grouchy this morning :)

  2. I apparently need some better friends.

  3. Sissy's mess made me smile!! Been there, done that too many times!

  4. Oh man I needed a good friend around today - the top two look aweseome! I'll pass on the baby powder.
    Today started off great then got really, super crappy, and now it is starting to get a little better.
    I hope someone tickles me pink soon - LOL!

  5. P.S. How's that for being a whiner :D

  6. Saw the picture of you and my in-laws....I miss them. Give them a hug for me k?

  7. Saw the picture of you and my in-laws....I miss them. Give them a hug for me k?

  8. Hubby brought me caffinated nector from the gods home from work. Nothing else makes me as happy as a freshly caffinatesd beverage:)

    I betcha Buzz loves smelling baby soft and sweet!! ooops.....

  9. hey, that tiara --my signature. I guess i wsas there in spirit. what a fun event --i went and visited HER.
    MMM, big gulp, skittles, brownie bites.
    and the baby powder, looked like she was having fun. Whats all the big deal about baby powder ---I have powdered 5 little bums in their day----and no brain damage.

  10. I guess Buzz smells all powdery fresh! Now he can go to Infinity and Beyond without the fear of bad oder!!! ;)

    glad you are not grumpy now...I'll be heading to the post office tomorrow!!! ...that should make you happy! ;)

  11. I'm glad someone was tickled pink today. I was in a FUNK.

  12. Pot Roast for dinner!
    Tickled pink is a little strong for that.
    But that's all I got.

    Way to get some photos of the little miss & the baby powder!

  13. I've missed my little M-Cat. I am not tickled pink when she's not feeling good.

    Wish I coulda made it Sat! If Connor hadn't won the PInewood Derby, I woulda been ticked. But I was tickled for him.

  14. Goodness gracious! That Sissy makes me laugh.

  15. i am sorry that you have not been feeling very well. I hope you had a great time during the party. i have missed your posts and comments and was starting to get a little worried.

  16. What good friends! I fell in love with those glitter cups the first time I saw them, I'm pretty sure I need one!

  17. Ha Ha that Sissy is so sweet. My granddaughter did that also but she just wanted to see her foot prints on the hard wood floor.



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