Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An open letter to MaeRae

Dear MaeRae,
I wanted to thank you for your kind comments, but there is no email on your blogger commenty thingie.

So I went to your website to thank you and to um, uh, check you out. In a total non-stalker way.

I read lots of posts. I tried to comment lots of times. It.won't.let.me. I try and I try and I fail and I fail.

So know this, you mysterious little MaeRae mynx (in a totally non stalker sort of way), I am reading you, and I like you, and can we be bloggy friends?



  1. so sweet..she's in my circle too

  2. I know maerae IRL :-) you can be jealous now!

    (I just learned what IRL means. So I am going to use it profusely :-)

  3. Maerae. What a cute name. And she got a whole post dedicated to her. Guess I better go check her out.

  4. Dear M-Cat,

    My sincerest of all apologies. I am new to all of this and was not aware that my blog was acting funny. You are welcome for your kind comments and I mean them with all of my heart. I hope I have fixed the issue to allow you to comment or follow. I have felt this slight burning on my neck lately, it must have been the feel of a non-stalker glare.


  5. going to check her out right now.


Lay it on me....