Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Missionary Update

(old picture)

Hey mom and dad how are you guys doing??? Things are all going goodhere in the mish. I am glad that you guys got the plans!!! As for me I still dont know what is all going to go down. This week I had my second to last zone conference. It was really sad to think that the next time that we have zone conference I will be bearing my testimony. Oh i dont know if i told you guys that, but at the end of every conference the missionaries that are going home that transfer give thier last testimonies. So the next conference that we will have, I will be giving mine. Really sad.... We are having a lot of success in our sector with finding people and have a lot of people to teach. IF all goes well we should be having some baptisms soon! I am really getting used to the whole ZL thing. Its just like once you get the hang of it, its all good. I am sure also the time is flying by as fast as it is for me as it is for you guys huh?? I am really taking advantage of the time that I have left. I am really lucky though, I got a really good comp. that helps me out a lot. The missionaries in our zone are doing all right, we are trying to help them out to do better, but i guess that you cant take away the free agency that someone has right? Also this Friday we are going to have a meeting as Leaders within 4 zones and the typical interchanges with the missionaries. We are improving the sector a lot where we are working so I am feeling really great about that. It has its challanges but that is nothing that cant be overriden. I am glad that you are doing better mom. I was worried but I know that you will get a lot better soon. Oh and to answer your question dad about if I wanted to wait to help you with the bathroom so that I know how to do it and stuff that would be great. Of course, if it is something that you need to do right away and would be better if you did it right now, go ahead, but I dont have a problem at all waiting and doing it with ya, thatwould be really cool. Its too bad....just when I thought that the rain was done.....we got rain all this week :( oh well, I guess I am so used to it that it doesnt affect me too much haha. I love you guys sooo muhc and I miss you!!! Have a great week, tell griff and chris that I said HI!!!!!

Elder Catmull

** The countdown for me has begun.....**


  1. He is such a good kid.

    How many days are left? I know you know.

  2. You are almost there M-Cat! Almost done!


Lay it on me....