Friday, September 18, 2009

Question of the day....?

Let me CLARIFY......I am NOT a racist. I believe in the freedom to worship whom we will and how we will, or even the right to not worship a diety at all. I try to embrace the good in all religions.

I just wonder............

when THIS happens, will it get media coverage and from what sources?

and, if a different religious group were to attempt the same thing, would they be allowed?

I'm not here to ruffle anyone's feathers on this, just wondering......

Insight anyone? Anyone......? Buehler.......?


  1. To that I say...

    You have posed a very good question my dear

  2. That is a great question and it totally makes me wonder if the LDS or the Catholics wanted a similar event if it would be allowed???

    I also heard today that Obama will be hitting the Healthcare thing hard on 5 major networks and he will do it on Sunday - "Hell can he not give the Lord his day??".

    Oops that should say "Hello" above but I think I will keep it how it is!

  3. Maybe the White House will honor our National Day of Prayer, too, like it has for the past 42 years or so...
    no, wait, the W.H. already blew THAT one off this year...
    I have no problem whatsoever with the Muslim thing, but to have that production after showing no respect to the American citizens who are Christians, is SUCH a slap in the face.
    So that's my two cents worth. You don't want to know what I'd say for a quarter. . .

  4. here's the deal....
    BarakO fooled many people when he was running for Pres. because many people didn't really look at his past, they didn't listen to his words "off the record" they didn't pay attention to his background, his associates, or they simply just did not care...he was not Bush, He was a smooth talker (at long as Totus was working) and Hollywood labeled him as cool and popular....
    the fact of the matter is this guy was raised a muslim for the first 20 years of his life- it's where his core beliefs lie- he couldn't run on that because he would not have won- so, politically,, he had to present himself as a Christian- He's not! He is no friend to Isreal, they see that. why so many Jews here in america voted for him, i do not understand.
    so, in answer to your question, what do i think?
    I am not surprised. America voted this far left Socialist/Commie in office- now it's up to those who finally get it along with the rest of us who always did, to somehow save this country before it is too late!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. All the high school football games on Friday this week were moved to Thursday because of Rosh Hashanah on Friday. Just saying...

    You know that Socialism and Fascism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, right? I wish people would make up their minds whether the president is a Socialist or a Nazi. It cracks me up when they call him both.

  7. Excellent question..must pour cocktail and ponder.

  8. Seriously...??? SERIOUSLY??!!??

    Um I would like to state for the record: I LOVE cake.

  9. Well----this is interesting---especially when we aren't even allowed to say Merry Christmas anymore in public schools. (of which, I do it, anyway)

    But I was not an Obama follower----so I am just sitting back and watching the unfolding of the chaos....

  10. I live in Washington DC & can tell you that things like this go on ALL THE TIME, from all religions/ethnic groups. For instance, every Easter, there is a sunrise service at the Lincoln Memorial. There's really nothing sinister going on here or anything alarming because this particular event is from a muslim group.

    As for the other commenter's remark about the football games being played on Thursday instead of Friday because of Rosh Hoshanah, yeah? so? They wouldn't schedule a game on Christmas Eve/Christmas or on Good Friday/Easter. Since Rosh Hoshanah/Yom Kippur are the holiest days on the Jewish calendar much as Christmas & Easter are for Christians, I don't have an issue with the authorities showing the same respect we Christians expect to people of other religions, too.

  11. Wow. I'm really surprised by some of these comments. Really surprised.

    As for me, I think this celebration is wonderful. What happens when people don't understand each other is that they don't respect each other and they come to fear each other. Extremist groups can only thrive when they can play on their own people's ignorance. Once the enemy becomes human and has a face, a family, a prayer, and a common belief system, hatred must disipate and empathy must replace it. So I believe any kind of celebration which would allow people to come together, understand each other, and see the similarities between themselves is a good thing. I embrace it. I would love to attend such an assembly. And I would be thrilled to think that people who misunderstand me might attend a celebration of my religion rather than fearing and despising it.


Lay it on me....