Thursday, September 17, 2009

It' s back to school - It's Homecoming time!

Last week Tuffy asked a darling girl {MB} to go to Homecoming. She answered him tonight:

Thanks girls for not completely trashing his room! And the cake? To.Die.For!


  1. ah...those were the days! I remember answering with a heart shaped cake pan full of red water (ice) and a note inside so that he melted my heart.

  2. fun times.
    what a cutie, i'll bet he gets asked often!

    btw- saw your comment on mormon mommy- good job of keeping it calm!

    i might give it a try....if i dare.

  3. oh the cake.. YUM!
    she could have made a much bigger mess.. little pieces of confetti or!

  4. How fun! I definitely remember those days.

  5. are you telling me that you have a teenage son living at home and his girl replied back and went to his room and his bed was made and his room was clean??
    I just don't believe it
    if you cleaned his room in preparation -- I am right with ya
    if he did it himself-- I want to know where I went wrong

  6. Wow, this must be a west of the Mississippi kinda thing. Us girls, we just told him yes or no. We didn't have to bake any cake.

    Very cute though and fun!!!

  7. how fun! what a cute way to respond!

  8. how fun! no one does fun stuff like that outside of UT, i think.

  9. whoa, she made him wait, and came up with a creative answer. Must have an older sis who went to BYU-Idaho heehee.
    She is adorable to do that!
    And I also want to know the answer to "About Me's" question?
    And if you didn't clean it, how did you train him so well? I am Still trying...

  10. Those days. nobody asked me out! dang it, now i am going to go hide under a rock! lol jk

    He is a cutie for sure!

    oh the days...

  11. OMGOSH So cute!! I love these dance invites -the kids are so creative and fun!!!

  12. So did he cut the cake nicely to find the answer, or dig right in with his hands?

  13. I love creative dance asking and answering! I didn't know it was kind of a Utah thing - but I'm glad they still do it!!

    Seriously the cake is killing me. It's my most favorite thing - like my crack, I have to stop because if I take one bite there is no stopping me - it's like a stray dog finding food - mowwed down on like theres no tomorrow.

  14. This kind of stuff always blows my mind. You know that it's a local tradition right? We had never heard of such creativity where I grew up. You just asked someone and they either said yes or no. This stuff is amazing!

  15. Don't you just love all the fun that Homecoming brings?

    Mine had a ton of fun planning his day date and dinner.


Lay it on me....