Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tuffy's Senior Summer Swan Song

This is it. This is Tuffy's last summer as a high school student. In three days he starts his Senior year. In a couple more weeks, he turns 18. He's hitting the big time and further proving that

We had a chance to borrow a very kind neighbor's wave runners for the day, so bright and early we headed out. Three personal watercraft, one for each of us.

It took a little work to get them unloaded and ready to go. One drifted away, so Splenda tried to get on the back of mine so I could drive him over to get it. Um, not a great idea. HE DUMPED ME!!!! Off into the harbor we go, lose my favorite 5 dollar Wallyworld flip flops and the worst of all - got wet! I had planned on keeping myself dry, my hair coiffed and my lips glossed the entire day. RUINED.

We had a great time racing, chasing boats to ride their wakes and best of all, Tuffy taught me how to spin. Now to clarify, his sole purpose in the spins is to throw himself off the wave runner. Of course, mine was to stay aboard. We both succeeded.

We ended up staying all day, having a blast and in Tuffy's case getting a wicked bad sunburn on his legs. Why don't kids listen to us?

So Senior Summer, we bid you adieu. You served us well.


  1. waverunners are the bomb.
    we don't own any ourselves but usually rent some at least once a year..not this year though..bummer.
    looks like fun!

  2. i refuse to believe it's already over :(

  3. ...there better NOT be any black-eyes...have you heard Tammy tell THAT story???? That hottie has TOO much fun!

    You are such an awesome MOM!


Lay it on me....