Monday, August 31, 2009

Slang Gang Word of the Day

August 29: mascary
when a person wears a scary amount of mascara

Although Melanie thought her mascara application was flawless, her eyelashes really looked like scary spiderlegs

**See also, just about any 14 year old who is undertaking the makeup process without adult supervision.


  1. Love it. Definitely will be able to use this one.

  2. That was a good one. It made me think of all the women I see putting on mascara in their cars - Mascary - Love it!

  3. Oh yes. Although I've been known to have some mascary eyes! In my younger days.

  4. What is the equivalent word for overabundant eyeliner, and how is this cured? My 16-year-old has been suffering from this malady for a couple of years now . . .

  5. Now we have two terms for it - mascary and "pulling a Tammy Faye"!

  6. You have written 29 posts, since the last time I logged into my reader.
    So, when's that dinner we've been talking about?

    Or did I miss it?

    Hey good luck at Red rock this weekend!

  7. Oh, yeah---I have definitely been guilty of this one---especially since I am older now and can't see what I am doing! heh, heh...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I like it. And I have seen many mascary women! And a man or two.

  10. I wish like anything that I had a picture of my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Parski. She had the most mascariest eyes you've ever ever seen. LIke giant black taranchulas stuck on her eyes. EW.

  11. For some reason my left eye always ends up mascary. My sister can do her right eye with her right hand and her left eye with left hand. I'm not so skilled.

    Luckily I wear SLUTTY BLACK masara so it looks awesome.


  12. I wish I could make a list of everyone that fit in this category...


Lay it on me....